Go Functions

Functions are fundamental building blocks in Go, enabling modularity, reusability, and clean organization of code.

In this tutorial, we will discuss the syntax, key components, and various types of functions in Go, with examples and detailed explanations.

Basic Function Syntax

The basic syntax for defining a function in Go is as follows:

func functionName(parameters) returnType {
    // Function body

Key components of a function:

  • func: Keyword to define a function.
  • functionName: The name of the function, which is used to call it.
  • parameters: A list of input variables with their types (optional).
  • returnType: The type of value the function returns (optional).
  • Function body: The block of code that executes when the function is called.

Types of Functions

Go supports various types of functions. Let’s explore each type with examples:

1 Function Without Parameters and Return Value

A simple function that does not take any parameters or return a value:

package main

import "fmt"

// Function without parameters and return value
func greet() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, World!")

func main() {
    greet() // Call the function


  1. Define Function: The function greet is defined without parameters or return value.
  2. Print Message: The function body contains a statement to print a message.
  3. Call Function: The function is called in the main function to execute its body.


2 Function With Parameters

Functions can take input parameters:

package main

import "fmt"

// Function with parameters
func add(a int, b int) {
    fmt.Println("Sum:", a+b)

func main() {
    add(10, 20) // Call the function with arguments


  1. Define Function: The function add takes two parameters a and b, both of type int.
  2. Perform Addition: The function calculates the sum of a and b.
  3. Call Function: The function is called in main with arguments 10 and 20.


3 Function With Return Value

A function can return a value to the caller:

package main

import "fmt"

// Function with return value
func multiply(a int, b int) int {
    return a * b

func main() {
    result := multiply(5, 4) // Call the function and store the result
    fmt.Println("Product:", result)


  1. Define Function: The function multiply takes two parameters and returns an integer.
  2. Return Product: The product of the two parameters is returned using the return keyword.
  3. Call Function: The function is called in main, and the result is stored in result.


4 Function With Multiple Return Values

Go supports functions that return multiple values:

package main

import "fmt"

// Function with multiple return values
func divide(a int, b int) (int, int) {
    return a / b, a % b // Return quotient and remainder

func main() {
    quotient, remainder := divide(10, 3) // Call the function and capture results
    fmt.Println("Quotient:", quotient)
    fmt.Println("Remainder:", remainder)


  1. Define Function: The function divide takes two parameters and returns two integers.
  2. Return Values: The quotient and remainder are calculated and returned.
  3. Call Function: The function is called in main, and the results are stored in quotient and remainder.


5 Variadic Function

A variadic function can accept a variable number of arguments:

package main

import "fmt"

// Variadic function
func sum(nums ...int) int {
    total := 0
    for _, num := range nums {
        total += num
    return total

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Sum:", sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) // Call with multiple arguments


  1. Define Variadic Function: The function sum accepts a variable number of integers using nums ...int.
  2. Iterate Over Arguments: The function iterates over all arguments using a for loop.
  3. Return Sum: The total sum of the arguments is returned.


Key Notes

  • Functions in Go must start with the func keyword.
  • Functions can have parameters, return values, both, or neither.
  • Function names starting with an uppercase letter are exported and can be used outside their package.
  • Variadic functions allow you to pass multiple arguments of the same type.