Go – Iterate over Range using For Loop

To iterate over elements of a Range in Go, we can use Go For Loop statement.

The syntax to use for loop for a range x is

 for index, element := range x {

We can access the index and element during that iteration inside the for loop block.


In the following example, we will use for loop to iterate over a range of elements.


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	x := [6]int{52, 2, 13, 35, 9, 8}
	for index, element := range x {
		fmt.Printf("x[%d] = %d\n", index, element)


x[0] = 52
x[1] = 2
x[2] = 13
x[3] = 35
x[4] = 9
x[5] = 8


In this Go Tutorial, we learned how to iterate over a range of elements in Go, with For Loop.