Go – Slice Comparison

In Go, slices are dynamic data structures used to store a collection of elements. Comparing slices in Go is not straightforward because slices cannot be directly compared using comparison operators like ==. However, you can use custom logic or built-in packages like reflect to compare slices for equality.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to compare slices in Go using different approaches, along with practical examples and explanations.

Key Points About Slice Comparison

  • Direct Comparison: You cannot directly compare slices using operators like ==, except for nil comparison.
  • Custom Logic: You can write custom functions to compare slices by iterating through their elements.
  • Reflect Package: The reflect.DeepEqual function can be used for deep comparison of slices.

Examples of Slice Comparison

1 Compare Slices Using Custom Logic

This example demonstrates how to compare slices element by element:

package main

import "fmt"

// Function to compare two slices
func areSlicesEqual(slice1, slice2 []int) bool {
    if len(slice1) != len(slice2) {
        return false
    for i := range slice1 {
        if slice1[i] != slice2[i] {
            return false
    return true

func main() {
    // Declare and initialize two slices
    slice1 := []int{1, 2, 3}
    slice2 := []int{1, 2, 3}
    slice3 := []int{1, 2, 4}

    // Compare slices
    fmt.Println("Are slice1 and slice2 equal?", areSlicesEqual(slice1, slice2)) // true
    fmt.Println("Are slice1 and slice3 equal?", areSlicesEqual(slice1, slice3)) // false


  1. Length Check: The function first checks if the lengths of the slices are equal. If not, they are not equal.
  2. Element Comparison: A for loop iterates through the slices, comparing elements at the same index.
  3. Return Result: The function returns true if all elements are equal, otherwise it returns false.


2 Compare Slices Using reflect.DeepEqual

This example demonstrates how to compare slices using the reflect.DeepEqual function:

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Declare and initialize two slices
    slice1 := []int{1, 2, 3}
    slice2 := []int{1, 2, 3}
    slice3 := []int{1, 2, 4}

    // Compare slices using reflect.DeepEqual
    fmt.Println("Are slice1 and slice2 equal?", reflect.DeepEqual(slice1, slice2)) // true
    fmt.Println("Are slice1 and slice3 equal?", reflect.DeepEqual(slice1, slice3)) // false


  1. Import reflect: The reflect package provides the DeepEqual function for deep comparison of slices.
  2. Compare Slices: DeepEqual compares the elements and structure of the slices.
  3. Return Result: The function returns true if the slices are equal, otherwise it returns false.


3 Compare Slices for nil

You can directly compare slices with nil to check if a slice is uninitialized:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var slice1 []int    // nil slice
    slice2 := []int{}   // empty slice

    fmt.Println("Is slice1 nil?", slice1 == nil) // true
    fmt.Println("Is slice2 nil?", slice2 == nil) // false


  1. Nil Slice: A nil slice is uninitialized and points to nil.
  2. Empty Slice: An empty slice is initialized but contains no elements. It is not nil.
  3. Direct Comparison: You can directly compare slices with nil to determine their initialization state.


Points to Remember

  • Direct Comparison: Slices cannot be directly compared for equality except with nil.
  • Custom Logic: Write a function to compare slices element by element for manual control.
  • reflect.DeepEqual: Use reflect.DeepEqual for convenient and accurate deep comparison of slices.
  • Performance: Custom comparison may be faster than reflect.DeepEqual for large slices in performance-critical applications.