Go Slice – Replace

In Go, slices are dynamic collections that allow elements to be modified directly. Replacing an element in a slice involves updating the value at a specific index. This operation can be performed efficiently using indexing.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to replace elements in a slice with practical examples and detailed explanations.

Steps to Replace an Element in a Slice

  • Validate the Index: Ensure the index is within the bounds of the slice to prevent runtime errors.
  • Access the Element: Use the index to access the specific element in the slice.
  • Update the Value: Assign a new value to the element at the specified index.

Examples of Replacing Elements in a Slice

1. Replace an Element in a Slice of Integers

This example demonstrates how to replace an element in a slice of integers:

package main

import "fmt"

// Function to replace an element in a slice
func replaceElement(slice []int, index int, newValue int) ([]int, error) {
    if index < 0 || index >= len(slice) {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("index out of bounds")
    slice[index] = newValue
    return slice, nil

func main() {
    // Declare and initialize a slice
    numbers := []int{10, 20, 30, 40, 50}

    // Replace the element at index 2
    updatedSlice, err := replaceElement(numbers, 2, 99)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error:", err)

    // Print the updated slice
    fmt.Println("Updated Slice:", updatedSlice)


  1. Validate Index: The function checks if the index is within bounds to avoid runtime errors.
  2. Replace Element: The value at the specified index is updated with the new value.
  3. Return Updated Slice: The modified slice is returned to the caller.
  4. Print Results: The updated slice is printed in the main function to show the result.


2. Replace an Element in a Slice of Strings

This example demonstrates how to replace an element in a slice of strings:

package main

import "fmt"

// Function to replace an element in a slice
func replaceElement(slice []string, index int, newValue string) ([]string, error) {
    if index < 0 || index >= len(slice) {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("index out of bounds")
    slice[index] = newValue
    return slice, nil

func main() {
    // Declare and initialize a slice
    words := []string{"apple", "banana", "cherry", "date"}

    // Replace the element at index 1
    updatedSlice, err := replaceElement(words, 1, "blueberry")
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error:", err)

    // Print the updated slice
    fmt.Println("Updated Slice:", updatedSlice)


  1. Validate Index: The function checks if the index is within bounds to avoid runtime errors.
  2. Replace Element: The value at the specified index is updated with the new value.
  3. Return Updated Slice: The modified slice is returned to the caller.
  4. Print Results: The updated slice is printed in the main function to show the result.


Points to Remember

  • Bounds Checking: Always validate the index to ensure it is within the valid range of the slice.
  • In-Place Modification: Replacing an element updates the original slice directly without creating a new slice.
  • Generic Logic: The same logic can be applied to slices of any type, such as integers, strings, or custom structs.
  • Efficient Updates: Updating elements in a slice is efficient and has a time complexity of O(1).