To effectively set up Lean Warehouse Management (Lean WM) in SAP, it’s essential to configure various control parameters, storage types, and movement types. Below is a comprehensive tutorial outlining how to Set Up Lean WM key customizing activities, their descriptions, recommended practices, and associated transaction codes (T-Codes) for streamlined configuration:

Setting Up Lean WM

ActivityDescriptionT-Code / Navigation Path
Define Control Parameters and Number Ranges for Warehouse NumberSet control parameters and assign number ranges specific to the warehouse number.T-Code: SPRO
Path: SPRO > Logistics Execution > Warehouse Management > Master Data > Define Control Parameters and Number Ranges for Warehouse Number
Define Storage TypesConfigure storage types to represent different physical or organizational areas within the warehouse, such as fixed bin storage or shipping areas.T-Code: SPRO
Path: SPRO > Logistics Execution > Warehouse Management > Master Data > Define Storage Type
Define Picking AreasGroup storage bins within a storage type to facilitate efficient stock removal processes.T-Code: SPRO
Path: SPRO > Logistics Execution > Warehouse Management > Master Data > Define Picking Areas
Define Transfer TypesSpecify transfer types to control the movement of goods within the warehouse, particularly for deliveries.T-Code: SPRO
Path: SPRO > Logistics Execution > Warehouse Management > Activities > Transfers > Define Transfer Types
Define Movement TypesConfigure movement types to manage various goods movements, providing necessary information for inbound and outbound deliveries.T-Code: OMKW
Path: SPRO > Logistics Execution > Warehouse Management > Activities > Transfers > Define Movement Types
Define Difference IndicatorsClassify and evaluate stock differences that may occur during warehouse operations.T-Code: OML3
Path: SPRO > Logistics Execution > Warehouse Management > Activities > Inventory > Setup Stock Differences > Define Difference Indicators
Define Print ControlSet up print control parameters to manage the printing of transfer orders and related documents during warehouse operations.T-Code: OMLV
Path: SPRO > Logistics Execution > Warehouse Management > Activities > Transfers > Define Print Control
Synchronize Movement Types between Inventory Management (IM) and Warehouse Management (WM)Ensure alignment of movement types between IM and WM to facilitate seamless goods movements and accurate inventory tracking.T-Code: OMKZ
Path: SPRO > Logistics Execution > Warehouse Management > Interfaces > Inventory Management > Synchronize Movement Types between IM and WM
Define Degree of Activation for Warehouse ManagementDetermine the activation level for Warehouse Management, choosing between Lean WM and full WM functionalities based on organizational needs.T-Code: OMLY
Path: SPRO > Logistics Execution > Warehouse Management > Interfaces > Inventory Management > Define Degree of Activation for Warehouse Management
Control Plant / Storage Location / Warehouse Number AssignmentAssign warehouse numbers to specific plant and storage location combinations to establish the organizational structure for warehouse management.T-Code: OMLY
Path: SPRO > Enterprise Structure > Assignment > Logistics Execution > Assign Warehouse Number to Plant and Storage Location

This table provides a structured overview of the essential customizing activities required for setting up Lean WM in SAP, along with their corresponding transaction codes and recommended practices. Adhering to these guidelines will facilitate a streamlined and efficient configuration process, aligning with SAP’s best practices.