HTML Tutorial
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.
When we surf the web, the content that is displayed in the browser is HTML. HTML document is parsed and rendered by the browsers.
In this HTML Tutorial, we will learn different elements available in HTML and how to use them.
In these series of HTML Tutorials, one can edit the HTML example code here itself, and the output is rendered in the result following the code.
The following is a basic example of HTML page with a heading and paragraph.
<!DOCTYPE html>
p {
color: grey;
<h1>Heading 1</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
HTML Tutorials
- HTML <a>
- HTML <abbr>
- HTML <address>
- HTML <area>
- HTML <article>
- HTML <aside>
- HTML <audio>
- HTML <b>
- HTML <base>
- HTML <basefont>
- HTML <bdi>
- HTML <bdo>
- HTML <big>
- HTML <blockquote>
- HTML <body>
- HTML <br>
- HTML <button>
- HTML <canvas>
- HTML <caption>
- HTML <center>
- HTML <cite>
- HTML <code>
- HTML <col>
- HTML <colgroup>
- HTML <data>
- HTML <datalist>
- HTML <dd>
- HTML <del>
- HTML <details>
- HTML <dfn>
- HTML <dialog>
- HTML <dir>
- HTML <div>
- HTML <dl>
- HTML <dt>
- HTML <em>
- HTML <embed>
- HTML <fieldset>
- HTML <figcaption>
- HTML <figure>
- HTML <font>
- HTML <footer>
- HTML <form>
- HTML <frame>
- HTML <frameset>
- HTML <h1>
- HTML <h2>
- HTML <h3>
- HTML <h4>
- HTML <h5>
- HTML <h6>
- HTML <head>
- HTML <header>
- HTML <hr>
- HTML <html>
- HTML <i>
- HTML <iframe>
- HTML <img>
- HTML <input>
- HTML <ins>
- HTML <kbd>
- HTML <label>
- HTML <legend>
- HTML <li>
- HTML <link>
- HTML <main>
- HTML <map>
- HTML <mark>
- HTML <meta>
- HTML <meter>
- HTML <nav>
- HTML <noframes>
- HTML <noscript>
- HTML <object>
- HTML <ol>
- HTML <optgroup>
- HTML <option>
- HTML <output>
- HTML <p>
- HTML <param>
- HTML <picture>
- HTML <pre>
- HTML <progress>
- HTML <q>
- HTML <rp>
- HTML <rt>
- HTML <ruby>
- HTML <s>
- HTML <samp>
- HTML <script>
- HTML <section>
- HTML <select>
- HTML <small>
- HTML <source>
- HTML <span>
- HTML <strike>
- HTML <strong>
- HTML <style>
- HTML <sub>
- HTML <summary>
- HTML <sup>
- HTML <svg>
- HTML <table>
- HTML <tbody>
- HTML <td>
- HTML <template>
- HTML <textarea>
- HTML <tfoot>
- HTML <th>
- HTML <thead>
- HTML <time>
- HTML <title>
- HTML <tr>
- HTML <track>
- HTML <tt>
- HTML <u>
- HTML <ul>
- HTML <var>
- HTML <video>
- HTML <wbr>
In this tutorial, we learned about different concepts of HTML.