HTML Lists

HTML lists are used for organizing and presenting information on web pages. They enhance readability and provide a structured way to display related items.

In this tutorial, we will cover various types of HTML lists, their usage, styling, and best practices, with well detailed examples.

1 Types of HTML Lists

There are three types of lists in HTML:

  • Unordered Lists (<ul>): Display items without a specific sequence, typically with bullet points.
  • Ordered Lists (<ol>): Display items in a specific sequence, usually numbered.
  • Description Lists (<dl>): Pair terms and descriptions, similar to a glossary.

2 Unordered Lists

Unordered lists are used when the order of items doesn’t matter. They are created using the <ul> tag, with each item enclosed in <li> (list item) tags.


This will render as:

HTML Lists - Unordered Lists Example

By default, browsers display unordered list items with bullet points.

2.1 Customizing Bullet Points

You can customize the bullet points using the list-style-type CSS property:

ul {
  list-style-type: square;

Common values for list-style-type include:

  • disc: Filled circle (default)
  • circle: Hollow circle
  • square: Filled square
  • none: No bullet

For example let us take the same list as in the previous example, and add CSS to set the list-style-type for the unordered lists.

This will render the list items with square bullet points.

HTML Lists - Customizing Bullet Points Example

2.2 Nesting Unordered Lists

You can create nested lists by placing one <ul> inside a <li>:


This will render as:

HTML Lists - Nesting Unordered Lists Example

Nesting lists helps in representing hierarchical data effectively.

3 Ordered Lists

Ordered lists are used when the sequence of items is important. They are created using the <ol> tag, with each item enclosed in <li> tags.

  <li>First step</li>
  <li>Second step</li>
  <li>Third step</li>

This will render as:

HTML Lists -

By default, browsers display ordered list items with numbers.

3.1 Customizing Numbering

You can customize the numbering style of an ordered list using the type attribute or CSS. The type attribute defines how the list items are numbered.

Using the type Attribute

The type attribute supports several values:

  • 1: Numbers (default)
  • A: Uppercase letters
  • a: Lowercase letters
  • I: Uppercase Roman numerals
  • i: Lowercase Roman numerals


<ol type="A">
  <li>First item</li>
  <li>Second item</li>
  <li>Third item</li>

This renders as:

HTML Lists - Customizing Numbering

Using CSS for Custom Styles

CSS provides more flexibility for customizing list styles. Use the list-style-type property to define the numbering style.

ol {
  list-style-type: lower-alpha; /* Use lowercase letters */

Common values for list-style-type include:

  • decimal: Numbers (default)
  • upper-alpha: Uppercase letters
  • lower-alpha: Lowercase letters
  • upper-roman: Uppercase Roman numerals
  • lower-roman: Lowercase Roman numerals


<ol style="list-style-type: upper-roman;">
  <li>First step</li>
  <li>Second step</li>
  <li>Third step</li>

This renders as:

HTML Lists - Using CSS for Custom Styles

4 Description Lists

Description lists (<dl>) are used to present terms and their corresponding definitions. They consist of:

  • <dt>: Defines the term.
  • <dd>: Defines the description.


  <dd>A markup language for creating web pages.</dd>
  <dd>A stylesheet language used to style HTML documents.</dd>

This renders as:

HTML Lists - Description Lists Example

Description lists are ideal for glossaries, FAQs, and terms with definitions.

5 Nesting Lists

Lists can be nested to create hierarchical structures. You can mix unordered, ordered, and description lists.

      <dd>Orange root vegetables.</dd>
      <dd>Green florets.</dd>

This renders as:

HTML Lists - Nesting Lists example

    Nesting adds depth and clarity to your lists.

    6 Styling Lists

    CSS allows you to style lists extensively. You can customize bullet styles, numbering, padding, margins, and more.

    ul {
      list-style-type: square;
      margin: 20px;
      padding: 10px;
    ol {
      list-style-type: decimal-leading-zero;
      color: blue;

    Applying these styles gives a unique appearance to your lists, improving their visual impact.

    7 Accessibility Considerations

    Ensure lists are accessible by following these best practices:

    • Use semantic tags (<ul>, <ol>, <dl>) for screen readers.
    • Provide descriptive content for list items.
    • Ensure proper indentation for readability.


    HTML lists are versatile elements for organizing information. By understanding the different types, attributes, and styling techniques, you can create structured, visually appealing, and accessible content for your web projects.