Item Proposal in SAP SD
Many times few/many customers place orders with same combination of materials. Consider the case that the order has more than 100 material, then it is extremely time consuming to create such orders() with huge number of items with desired quantity.
In such a case Item Proposal is really helpful and saves time effectively. Item proposal stores particular selection of materials which can be assigned to the customer master in the sales area section. Now when you create a order for that customer, then from the assigned item proposal , all the items can be copied into the sales order with the quantity or without quantity. A single item proposal can be assigned to multiple customer master.
To create a item proposal, a sales document type should be created in the system with document category as D- Item Proposal and should be assigned to a number range.
The particular sales area should allow creation of the item proposal document type. The post shows step by step detailed process.
Go to Tx- SPRO and in the IMG activity, under sales and distribution, navigate along the marked line.

Here you can create a new item proposal doc type. Already we have a item proposal doc type PV is available. Double click on it.

The SD Document category should be D for item proposal and number range should e assigned.

Then the item proposal doc type should be assigned to the sales area. In the below highlighted path you can assign do it.

Choose Assign Sales Order Type permitted for sales areas.

Make the assignment.

Tx- VA51/VA52/VA53 are available to create/change/display item proposal documents.

Execute Tx- VA51 to create an item proposal. Provide the item proposal type and the sales area and hit enter key.

Here you can provide description and the materials and its quantity and unit. Save it finally. You can see the message in the status bar.

Here item proposal doc is created. You can change and display them in Tx- VA52 or VA53.

The item proposal number should be assigned to the customer master to take effect in the sales order. Before assigning it lets create a sales order and check.
Go to Tx-XD03 and open the customer master sales area data. Here item proposal number is not assigned.

Go to Tx- VA01 and create an order.

Provide the sold to party and select the button in the left upper side as highlighted.

A popup appears without any item proposal.

Go to the Tx- XD02 or Tx- XD03 and change the customer master and assign the created item proposal number to the customer and save it.

Execute the Tx- VA01 and create an order and provide the customer number and select the item proposal button from the lest upper side as marked/highlighted.

The popup appears with the item proposal number assigned to the customer master.
Here if you select the button Default without quantity, then all materials are copied to the sales order with out quantity.
If you choose Default with quantity then all material with quantity are copied to the sales order. Choose Default with qunatity.

The two materials copied from item proposal doc to the sales order.Save the sales order.

Sales order created successfully.