JavaScript Arithmetic Operators

JavaScript Arithmetic Operators are used to compute arithmetic operations on given numeric values.

Arithmetic Operator – Symbol – Example

JavaScript supports the following arithmetic operators.

Arithmetic OperationOperator SymbolExample
Addition+a + b
Subtractiona - b
Multiplication*a * b
Division/a / b
Modulus%a % b


The following JavaScript tutorials cover each of these arithmetic operators in detail.


In the following example, we take two values, and perform different Arithmetic Operations on these values.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <pre id="output"></pre>
        var a = 7;
        var b = 4;
        var addition = a + b;
        var subtraction = a - b;
        var multiplication = a * b;
        var division = a / b;
        var modulus = a % b;
        var increment = ++a;
        var decrement = --b;

        var displayOutput = '';
        displayOutput += '\n' + 'a + b = ' + addition ;
        displayOutput += '\n' + 'a - b = ' + subtraction ;
        displayOutput += '\n' + 'a * b = ' + multiplication ;
        displayOutput += '\n' + 'a / b = ' + division ;
        displayOutput += '\n' + 'a % b = ' + modulus ;
        displayOutput += '\n' + '++a = ' + increment ;
        displayOutput += '\n' + '--b = ' + decrement ;
        document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = displayOutput;


In this JavaScript Tutorial, we learned about Arithmetic Operators, their syntax, and usage with examples.