JavaScript Lambdas

In JavaScript, Lambda is kind of an anonymous function with reduced syntax that looks clutter free.


The syntax of a lambda is

(parameters) => returnValue
(parameters) => { returnValue }

This lambda function can be passed as an argument in another function call.


An example for a lambda function that takes two parameters: a and b, and returns a value: a + b is

(a, b) => a + b
(a, b) => {a + b}

An example for a lambda function that takes no parameters, and returns a value x is

() => x

An example for a lambda function that takes a single parameter: a, and returns a value a * a is

(a) => a * a
a => a * a

In the following example script, we write a lambda function that takes an integer number as argument and returns a boolean value of true if the number is even, or false if the number is odd.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <pre id="output"></pre>
        var add = (a, b) => a + b;
        var n1 = 4, n2 = 3;
        var sum = add(n1, n2);
        document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = n1 + ' + ' + n2 + ' = ' + sum;


In this JavaScript Tutorial, we have learnt about Lambdas: how to define a lambda function, how to accept parameters and return a value, with examples.