
The Map.forEach() method in JavaScript executes a provided callback function once for each key-value pair in a Map object, in insertion order.


map.forEach(callbackFn, thisArg)


callbackFnA function executed for each element in the Map. It receives three arguments: value, key, and the Map object.
thisArg(Optional) Value to use as this when executing callbackFn.

Return Value

The forEach() method does not return a value; it simply executes the callbackFn for each key-value pair in the Map.


1. Iterating Over a Map

This example demonstrates how forEach() iterates over key-value pairs in a Map.

const fruits = new Map([
  ["apple", 5],
  ["banana", 2],
  ["cherry", 7]

fruits.forEach((quantity, fruit) => {
  console.log(`Fruit: ${fruit}, Quantity: ${quantity}`);


Fruit: apple, Quantity: 5
Fruit: banana, Quantity: 2
Fruit: cherry, Quantity: 7
  1. forEach() iterates over each entry in fruits, executing the callback function.
  2. The callback receives the quantity as the first argument and the fruit as the second argument.

2. Using thisArg in forEach()

You can pass a custom this context using the optional thisArg parameter.

const carPrices = new Map([
  ["Tesla", 50000],
  ["BMW", 55000],
  ["Audi", 60000]

const priceFormatter = {
  currency: "USD",
  displayPrice(price, car) {
    console.log(`${car}: ${price} ${this.currency}`);

carPrices.forEach(priceFormatter.displayPrice, priceFormatter);


Tesla: 50000 USD
BMW: 55000 USD
Audi: 60000 USD
  1. The thisArg parameter ensures that this.currency refers to priceFormatter.currency.
  2. Without thisArg, this would be undefined in strict mode or window in non-strict mode.

3. Accessing the Entire Map

The third argument of the callback function gives access to the entire Map object.

const countries = new Map([
  ["USA", "Washington, D.C."],
  ["France", "Paris"],
  ["Japan", "Tokyo"]

countries.forEach((capital, country, map) => {
  console.log(`Country: ${country}, Capital: ${capital}`);
  console.log("Total countries in map:", map.size);


Country: USA, Capital: Washington, D.C.
Total countries in map: 3
Country: France, Capital: Paris
Total countries in map: 3
Country: Japan, Capital: Tokyo
Total countries in map: 3

The map parameter provides access to the entire Map object, allowing additional operations.