Linux date command

Linux date command displays or sets the system date and time.

Linux date – Display Date & Time

If you do not provide any arguments to the date command, system date and time is displayed.

$ date

The date is echoed in the terminal window as shown in the following screenshot.

Linux Date Command - Display System Date and Time

Linux date – Set System Date & Time

Before you can set the date from command line, you have to make sure that Automatic Date & Time is turned off.

You can turn of the Automatic Date & Time from command line using timedatectl command. Run the following command for the same.

$ timedatectl set-ntp false

In the following screenshot, we have run the command and this should set the Date and Time to Manual.

Turn of Automatic Date & Time from Network

If you are using Ubuntu, you can turn off Automatic Date & Time in Settings > Date & Time > Automatic Date & Time. Turn of the switch against Automatic Date & Time. It should appear as shown in the following screenshot.

Linux Date Command - Turn Off Automatic Date & Time

Once you care sure that your Date & Time is set to Manual, you can set a required date and time for your system.

The syntax to set a specific Date and Time using date command is given below.

$ date -s "Date and Time String"
$ date --set="Date and Time String"

Let us set the date of our linux system to “30 DEC 2050 22:30:55”. Run the following command in terminal.

$ sudo date -s "30 DEC 2050 22:30:55"

We are running the date command as root or administrator. Following screenshot what happens when you run this date command. If asked for, please enter your password.

Linux Date Command - Set Date

Once the command execution is complete, the current time is echoed to the screen. Also you should observe that the system is changed.

Linux Date Command - Set Date Confirmation


In this Linux Tutorial, we learned about Linux date command.