Storage bins in SAP Warehouse Management (WM) are critical elements in organizing and streamlining warehouse operations. This guide explains how to edit, block, unblock, and display storage bins efficiently, ensuring optimal inventory management.

Editing Storage Bins in SAP WM

You can edit storage bins to modify their characteristics or correct errors. Common reasons for editing bins include reassigning storage sections, correcting mistakes, or redefining picking sequences.

Common Actions for Editing Storage Bins

Assign another storage sectionReallocate bins to a different storage section for organizational purposes.
Reassign fire-containment sectionsMove bins to comply with fire safety regulations.
Define hazardous material binsConfigure bins for storing hazardous materials.
Reshelf or reslot a storage typeAdjust bin assignments to optimize warehouse layout.
Correct bin creation errorsFix mistakes made during initial storage bin setup.
Reset sorting ordersAdjust the cross-line placement sorting for better stock placement.
Redefine picking sequencesUpdate picking strategies for improved retrieval processes.
Common Actions for Editing Storage Bins

Steps to Edit Storage Bins

Editing Single Storage Bin

  1. Navigate to: Logistics ➔ Logistics Execution ➔ Master Data ➔ Warehouse ➔ Storage Bin ➔ Change ➔ Single Bin.
  2. Enter the required data and select Continue.
  3. Make the necessary changes and choose Save.

Editing Multiple Storage Bins

  1. Navigate to: Logistics ➔ Logistics Execution ➔ Master Data ➔ Warehouse ➔ Storage Bin ➔ Change ➔ Selectively.
  2. Enter selection criteria and choose Program ➔ Execute.
  3. Select the bins to edit and update their attributes.
  4. Save the changes.

Deleting Storage Bins

Storage bins can only be deleted if they are empty and not blocked.

Steps to Delete Bins

Deleting a Single Bin

  1. Navigate to: Logistics ➔ Logistics Execution ➔ Master Data ➔ Warehouse ➔ Storage Bin ➔ Change ➔ Single Bin.
  2. Enter the bin details and choose Continue.
  3. Select Storage Bin ➔ Delete.

Deleting Multiple Bins

  1. Navigate to: Logistics ➔ Logistics Execution ➔ Master Data ➔ Warehouse ➔ Storage Bin ➔ Change ➔ Selectively.
  2. Enter selection criteria and choose Program ➔ Execute.
  3. Select the bins for deletion and confirm by saving.

Blocking and Unblocking Storage Bins

Blocking storage bins prevents putaway or picking when bins are inaccessible, damaged, or undergoing maintenance. Unblocking restores normal operations.

Methods for Blocking/Unblocking Bins

SelectivelyBlock specific bins individually based on location or usage.
By rowsBlock a range of bins within a storage type (e.g., due to equipment failure).
In bulk storage with time limitsSet a time limit for blocking rows in bulk storage.
For the whole storage typeApply blocking to an entire storage type, disabling all associated bins.

Steps to Block/Unblock Bins

  1. Navigate to: Logistics ➔ Logistics Execution ➔ Internal Whse Processes ➔ Bins and Stock ➔ Block.
  2. Select the desired method for blocking.
  3. Enter the criteria, set the block indicators, and save the changes.

Displaying the Bin Status Report

The bin status report provides an overview of storage utilization, including capacity, stored materials, and duration in storage.

Steps to Display Bin Status

  1. Navigate to: Logistics ➔ Logistics Execution ➔ Information System ➔ Warehouse ➔ Storage Bin ➔ Bin Status Report.
  2. Enter selection criteria and choose Program ➔ Execute.
  3. Review the report to identify occupied or empty bins and access material details.

Key Features of the Bin Status Report

Capacity utilizationDisplays whether bins are occupied or empty.
Material detailsShows materials stored in the bins, including storage duration.
Quant informationProvides detailed data about the quantity and type of materials stored.

By mastering these processes, you can ensure your warehouse runs efficiently, with accurate bin management enhancing productivity and compliance.