Reverse Strings in MySQL

In MySQL, you can use the REVERSE() function to reverse strings directly within your SQL queries.

In MySQL, reversing a string can be useful in various scenarios, such as data formatting, palindrome checking, or simply presenting data in a different orientation.

Using the REVERSE() Function in MySQL

The REVERSE() function in MySQL takes a string as input and returns it with all characters in reverse order. This function works with various data types, including CHAR and VARCHAR, and can handle multi-byte character strings.

Let’s set up an example table and demonstrate how to use the REVERSE() function in a few practical scenarios.

Setting Up an Example Table

To illustrate the REVERSE() function, we’ll create a words table with a text column containing sample text entries to test the function.

1. Create a new database called sample_db:


2. Select the sample_db database to work with:

USE sample_db;

3. Create the words table with a text column:

    text VARCHAR(255)

4. Insert sample data into the words table:

INSERT INTO words (text)
VALUES ('Hello World'),
       ('MySQL Function'),
       ('Reverse this text');
Reverse Strings in MySQL - Setup database for examples

With the table set up, you can use the REVERSE() function to reverse the text in these entries.

Examples: Reversing Strings in MySQL

Let’s explore a few examples of using REVERSE() to manipulate text in MySQL.

words table

1 Reversing a Text Column

To reverse the text in the text column for each entry:

SELECT text, REVERSE(text) AS reversed_text
FROM words;

This query returns each original text string alongside its reversed version, allowing you to see how REVERSE() rearranges the characters.

Reverse Strings in MySQL - Example - Reversing a Text Column

2 Checking for Palindromes Using REVERSE()

To check if each text entry is a palindrome (i.e., it reads the same forward and backward):

SELECT text,
           WHEN text = REVERSE(text) THEN 'Yes' 
           ELSE 'No' 
       END AS is_palindrome
FROM words;

This query checks if each text entry matches its reversed form, indicating whether or not it is a palindrome.

Reverse Strings in MySQL - Example - Checking for Palindromes Using REVERSE()

3 Using REVERSE() with CONCAT() for Customized Output

To display a reversed text string with a prefix, such as “Reversed: “:

SELECT CONCAT('Reversed: ', REVERSE(text)) AS modified_text
FROM words;

This query appends the prefix “Reversed: ” before each reversed text, producing a customized output for each entry.

Reverse Strings in MySQL - Example - Using REVERSE() with CONCAT() for Customized Output