Tkinter Radiobutton

Tkinter Radiobutton widget allows user to select one of the many options.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a Radiobutton widget in Python GUI application, and the options available for Radiobutton widget class.

Create Tkinter Radiobutton Widget

To create a Radiobutton widget in your Python GUI application, use the following syntax,

widget = tk.Radiobutton(parent, option, ...)

where parent is the root window or a frame in which we would like to pack this Radiobutton widget. You can provide one or more options supported for Radiobutton widget to change its appearance and behavior.

Example – Tkinter Radiobutton

In the following example, we will create a set of Radiobuttons to select the gender of a person.

Create as many number of Radiobutton widgets as that of options. All these Radiobutton widgets are bind using variable option.

Create a tkinter.IntVar() variable and assign to the variable option for all the Radiobutton widgets, which are considered as part a gender set. – Python Program

import tkinter as tk

window_main = tk.Tk(className='Tkinter - TutorialKart')

gender = tk.IntVar()
radiobutton_1 = tk.Radiobutton(window_main, text='Male', variable=gender, value=1)
radiobutton_2 = tk.Radiobutton(window_main, text='Female', variable=gender, value=2)
radiobutton_3 = tk.Radiobutton(window_main, text='Other', variable=gender, value=3)

def submitFunction():
    print('You Selcted Option ', gender.get())

submit = tk.Button(window_main, text='Submit', command=submitFunction)


The text option of Radiobutton is displayed in the GUI. value option is assigned to variable, when user selects an option. If no option is selected, the default value is zero.


Run the above program, and you will get the following window.

Tkinter Radiobutton

Select an Option and click on Submit button.

Python Tkinter Radiobutton Tutorial

Based on the selection, you will get output looking similar to the following.

You Selcted Option  2
You Selcted Option  1
You Selcted Option  3

Tkinter Radiobutton Options

In the previous example, we have already gone through three options, namely: text, variable and value. In addition to these there are some other options which control the appearance or behavior of Radiobutton widget.

Following is the complete list of Options available for Radiobutton widget.

activebackgroundThe background color of Radiobutton when the mouse clicks the widget and over it.
activeforegroundThe foreground or text color when the mouse clicks the widget and over the Radiobutton.
anchorThe position of text in Radiobutton when it has more space than it requires.
bg or
The background color of Radiobutton.
bitmapTo display a monochrome image on a Radiobutton.
bd or borderwidthBorder width around Radiobutton.
commandA procedure/function to be called when user changes the state of this Radiobutton.
compoundIf both text and a bitmap options are specified, this option specifies where
the graphic appears relative to the text.
Values for compound:
1. tk.NONE (the default value),
2. tk.TOP
3. tk.BOTTOM
4. tk.LEFT
5. tk.RIGHT
6. tk.CENTER
cursorThe pattern for mouse cursor when it is over the Radiobutton.
disabledforegroundThe foreground color for the text of a
disabled Radiobutton.
fontThe font object used for the text of this Radiobutton.
fg or
Color for Radiobutton text.
heightThe number of lines of text on the Radiobutton.
highlightbackgroundThe color of the focus highlight when the Radiobutton does not have focus.
highlightcolorThe color of the focus highlight when the Radiobutton has the focus.
highlightthicknessThe thickness of the focus highlight.
imageTo display a graphic image instead of text for this Radiobutton, set this option to an image object.
indicatoronNormally a radiobutton displays its indicator. If
you set this option to zero, the indicator
disappears, and the entire widget becomes a
“push-push” button that looks raised
when it is cleared and sunken when it is set. You
may want to increase the borderwidth
value to make it easier to see the state of such a
justifyIf the text contains multiple lines,
this option controls how the text is justified:
tk.CENTER (the default), tk.LEFT, or tk.RIGHT.
offreliefIf you suppress the indicator by asserting indicatoron=False, the offrelief option specifies the relief style to be
displayed when the radiobutton is not selected.
The default values is tk.RAISED.
overreliefSpecifies the relief
style to be displayed when the mouse is
over the radiobutton.
padxHow much space to leave to the left and right of
the radiobutton and text. Default is 1.
padyHow much space to leave above and below the
radiobutton and text. Default is 1.
reliefBy default, a radiobutton will have tk.FLAT relief, so it doesn’t stand out from
its background. See Section 5.6, “Relief styles” for
more 3-d effect options. You can also use relief=tk.SOLID, which displays a solid black
frame around the radiobutton.
selectcolorThe color of the
radiobutton when it is set. Default is red.
selectimageIf you are using the image option to display a graphic instead of text when the radiobutton is cleared, you can set the selectimage option to a different image that will be displayed when the radiobutton is set.
stateThe default is state=tk.NORMAL, but you
can set state=tk.DISABLED to gray out
the control and make it unresponsive. If the
cursor is currently over the radiobutton, the state
is tk.ACTIVE.
takefocusBy default, the input focus will pass through a Radiobutton. If you set takefocus=0, focus will not visit this Radiobutton.
textThe label displayed next to the Radiobutton.
textvariableIf you need to change the label on a radiobutton during execution, create a StringVar to manage the current value, and set this option to that control variable. Whenever the control variable’s value changes, the radiobutton’s annotation will automatically change to that text as well.
underlineWith the default value of -1, none of the
characters of the text label are underlined. Set
this option to the index of a character in the text
(counting from zero) to underline that character.
valueThis value is assigned to control variable when this radiobutton is turned on by the user.
variableThe control variable that this radiobutton shares with the other radiobuttons in the group. Radiobutton can have a variable of type IntVar or StringVar.
widthWidth of Radionbutton, in terms of number of characters.
wraplengthBy default, text of Radiobutton is not wrapped. You can wrap the text to a maximum number of characters per line.


In this Python Tutorial, we learned what a Radiobutton widget is, how to create one, and how to use some of its options to change its appearance.