Read Number from Console Input – Scala

If you are developing a console application with Scala, you may need to read input from the user.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to read a number from the console as input from a user.

To read a number from console input, we use the method,

Example 1 – Read Integer from Console as Input

In this example, we shall read an Integer from console. We will increment the value and print it to the console.


object ReadInputExample {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    print("Enter a number: ")
    var hours =
    hours = hours + 1
    println("Your entry + 1 : "+hours)


Enter a number: 256
Your entry + 1 : 257

readInt() method accepts only integers as input. If you provide a float or string, java.lang.NumberFormatException occurs and the program exits abruptly with exit code 1.

Example 2 – Read Float from Console as Input

In this example, we shall read a float value from console. We will increment the value and print it to the console.


object ReadInputExample {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    print("Enter a float value : ")
    var length =
    length = length + 1
    println("Your entry + 1 : "+length)


Enter a float value : 25.64
Your entry + 1 : 26.64

Using readFloat(), when the console prompts for the input, you provide float, or int or any value of datatype that can be auto typecasted to float.