The SQL CHARINDEX() function is used to search for a substring within a string and returns the position of the first occurrence of that substring. If the substring is not found, it returns 0.

The CHARINDEX() function is useful for locating specific characters or substrings within larger text values, making it easier to perform text-based data operations in SQL.

In this tutorial, we will go through SQL CHARINDEX() String function, its syntax, and how to use this function in SQL statements for string operations, with the help of well detailed examples.

Syntax of SQL CHARINDEX Function

The basic syntax of the SQL CHARINDEX() function is:

CHARINDEX(substring, string [, start_position]);

Each part of this syntax has a specific purpose:

  • substring: The substring to search for within the string.
  • string: The main string in which the search is performed.
  • start_position (optional): The position in the main string to start the search. If omitted, the search starts from the beginning of the string.

Setup for Examples: Creating the Database and Table

We’ll create a sample descriptions table with a field info to demonstrate the CHARINDEX function examples.

1. First, create a new database called analytics:


2. Select the analytics database to work with:

USE analytics;

3. Create a table named descriptions with fields id and info:

CREATE TABLE descriptions (
    info TEXT

4. Insert sample data into the descriptions table to use with the CHARINDEX function examples:

INSERT INTO descriptions (info)
('Introduction to SQL and databases'),
('Data analysis and database management'),
('SQL server setup and configuration'),
('Advanced SQL techniques and optimization');

With this setup complete, we can run the CHARINDEX function examples to test and view results in the descriptions table.

Examples with CHARINDEX in SQL

We’ll go through various examples demonstrating the CHARINDEX function in SQL. Using MySQL or SQL Server, we can apply CHARINDEX to different strings to locate specific substrings.

1 Finding the Position of a Character

To find the position of the letter “a” in the string “Database”:

SELECT CHARINDEX('a', 'Database') AS position_of_a;

This query returns 2, as the first occurrence of “a” is at the second position in “Database”.

2 Finding the Position of a Substring

To find the position of the substring “base” in “Database”:

SELECT CHARINDEX('base', 'Database') AS position_of_base;

This query returns 5, as “base” starts at the fifth position in “Database”.

3 Using CHARINDEX with a Starting Position

To find the second occurrence of “a” in “Database Analysis” by starting the search from position 5:

SELECT CHARINDEX('a', 'Database Analysis', 5) AS second_position_of_a;

This query returns 8, as the second occurrence of “a” is found at the eighth position when starting the search from position 5.

4 Using CHARINDEX in a WHERE Clause

To find rows in a table where a specific word, like “SQL”, appears in a column, you can use CHARINDEX in the WHERE clause. For example, to find records in the descriptions table with “SQL” in the info column:

FROM descriptions

This query returns all rows where “SQL” appears in the info column.


1 What does the SQL CHARINDEX function do?

The CHARINDEX function finds the position of a specified substring within a string, returning the index position of the first occurrence or 0 if not found.

2 Does CHARINDEX work with case-sensitive searches?

By default, CHARINDEX is case-insensitive in SQL Server. Case-sensitivity depends on the database collation settings.

3 Can CHARINDEX search from a specific position?

Yes, you can specify a starting position for CHARINDEX to begin the search, which is helpful for finding multiple occurrences of a substring.

4 What happens if CHARINDEX doesn’t find the substring?

If the substring is not found, CHARINDEX returns 0.

5 Is CHARINDEX supported in all SQL databases?

CHARINDEX is primarily supported in SQL Server. In MySQL, a similar function called INSTR performs this operation.