The SQL DIFFERENCE() function compares two strings and returns a value indicating how similar they are. This function uses the SOUNDEX algorithm to evaluate the phonetic similarity of two strings and returns an integer between 0 and 4. A result of 4 means the strings are very similar or identical in sound, while a result of 0 means there is no similarity.

The DIFFERENCE() function is particularly useful when matching similar-sounding names or values, as it allows for comparisons that aren’t sensitive to slight spelling differences.

The DIFFERENCE() function is commonly used in SQL Server. Other databases might use alternative functions or plugins to achieve similar phonetic comparisons.

In this tutorial, we will go through SQL DIFFERENCE() String function, its syntax, and how to use this function in SQL statements for string operations, with the help of well detailed examples.

Syntax of SQL DIFFERENCE() Function

The basic syntax of the SQL DIFFERENCE() function is:

DIFFERENCE(string1, string2);

Each part of this syntax has a specific purpose:

  • string1: The first string to compare.
  • string2: The second string to compare to the first.

The DIFFERENCE() function compares the phonetic representations of string1 and string2 and returns an integer value from 0 to 4.

Setup for Examples: Creating the Database and Table

We’ll create a sample customers table to demonstrate the DIFFERENCE() function examples for phonetic similarity checks using different names.

1. First, create a new database called phonetic_db:

CREATE DATABASE phonetic_db;

2. Select the phonetic_db database to work with:

USE phonetic_db;

3. Create a table named customers with columns name and comparison_name for comparing name pairs in the same table:

CREATE TABLE customers (
    name VARCHAR(50),
    comparison_name VARCHAR(50)

4. Insert sample data into the customers table with pairs of names for phonetic similarity checks:

INSERT INTO customers (name, comparison_name)
('Smith', 'Smyth'),
('John', 'Jon'),
('Apple', 'Banana'),
('Smith', 'Smooth');

With this setup complete, you can run the DIFFERENCE() function examples to test and view results in the customers table.

Examples for Using DIFFERENCE() in SQL Queries

We’ll go through examples demonstrating the DIFFERENCE() function in SQL, using sample names to illustrate phonetic similarity.

1 Comparing Similar-Sounding Names

To check the phonetic similarity between “Smith” and “Smyth”:

SELECT DIFFERENCE('Smith', 'Smyth') AS similarity_score;

This query returns a score of 4, as “Smith” and “Smyth” sound nearly identical, making them highly similar phonetically.

2 Comparing Completely Different Words

To compare “Apple” and “Banana” using DIFFERENCE():

SELECT DIFFERENCE('Apple', 'Banana') AS similarity_score;

This query returns a score of 0, as “Apple” and “Banana” sound very different and have no phonetic similarity.

3 Using DIFFERENCE() to Filter Similar Names in Table

To retrieve rows from the customers table with names that sound similar to their comparison_name:

SELECT name, comparison_name
FROM customers
WHERE DIFFERENCE(name, comparison_name) >= 3;

This query returns name pairs with a similarity score of 3 or higher, such as “John” and “Jon” or “Smith” and “Smyth”, which is helpful for finding records with minor spelling differences in names.

4 Using DIFFERENCE() for Custom Phonetic Comparisons

To check phonetic similarity for all name pairs in the customers table with both name and comparison_name columns:

SELECT name, comparison_name, DIFFERENCE(name, comparison_name) AS similarity_score
FROM customers;

This query returns the similarity score for each name pair, allowing you to identify phonetic similarities in name pairs stored within the same table.


1 What does the SQL DIFFERENCE() function do?

The DIFFERENCE() function compares two strings and returns a score from 0 to 4 based on their phonetic similarity, with 4 being highly similar and 0 indicating no similarity.

2 How does DIFFERENCE() determine similarity?

DIFFERENCE() uses the SOUNDEX algorithm to evaluate phonetic similarity, comparing how the two strings sound rather than their exact spelling.

3 What score indicates a strong similarity between strings?

A score of 4 indicates that the strings are phonetically very similar, while scores closer to 0 indicate little to no similarity.

4 Is DIFFERENCE() available in MySQL?

No, MySQL does not support DIFFERENCE(). MySQL offers SOUNDEX() for phonetic matching but does not have an equivalent function for DIFFERENCE() scores.

5 Can DIFFERENCE() be used with numeric data?

No, DIFFERENCE() is designed to work with strings and is not applicable to numeric data types.