SQL Operators
SQL operators are used to perform various operations on data stored in a database. They are used to specify conditions in SQL statements and to manipulate data.
Operators are categorized based on their functionality. Below, we provide tables for each category of SQL operators, including the operator symbol, name, and description. Following each table, we present examples demonstrating the use of each operator.
1 Arithmetic Operators
Operator | Name | Description |
+ | Addition | Adds two numbers. |
- | Subtraction | Subtracts the right operand from the left operand. |
* | Multiplication | Multiplies two numbers. |
/ | Division | Divides the left operand by the right operand. |
% | Modulus | Returns the remainder of a division operation. |
Assume we have a table named Products
with the following columns:
ProductID INT,
ProductName VARCHAR(50),
Price DECIMAL(10, 2),
Quantity INT
Sample data:
INSERT INTO Products (ProductID, ProductName, Price, Quantity) VALUES
(1, 'Laptop', 800.00, 10),
(2, 'Smartphone', 500.00, 20),
(3, 'Tablet', 300.00, 15);
a) Addition (+
): Calculate the total value of all products.
SELECT ProductName, Price * Quantity AS TotalValue
FROM Products;
b) Subtraction (-
): Reduce the price of all products by $50.
SELECT ProductName, Price - 50 AS DiscountedPrice
FROM Products;
c) Multiplication (*
): Calculate the total revenue if all products are sold.
SELECT SUM(Price * Quantity) AS TotalRevenue
FROM Products;
d) Division (/
): Calculate the average price per product.
SELECT AVG(Price) AS AveragePrice
FROM Products;
e) Modulus (%
): Find products with an odd quantity.
SELECT ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE Quantity % 2 <> 0;
2 Comparison Operators
Operator | Name | Description |
= | Equal to | Checks if the values of two operands are equal. |
> | Greater than | Checks if the value of the left operand is greater than the right operand. |
< | Less than | Checks if the value of the left operand is less than the right operand. |
>= | Greater than or equal to | Checks if the value of the left operand is greater than or equal to the right operand. |
<= | Less than or equal to | Checks if the value of the left operand is less than or equal to the right operand. |
<> | Not equal to | Checks if the values of two operands are not equal. |
Using the same Products
a) Equal to (=
): Find products priced at $500.
SELECT ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE Price = 500.00;
b) Greater than (>
): Find products priced above $500.
SELECT ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE Price > 500.00;
c) Less than (<
): Find products priced below $500.
SELECT ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE Price < 500.00;
d) Greater than or equal to (>=
): Find products priced at least $500.
SELECT ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE Price >= 500.00;
e) Less than or equal to (<=
): Find products priced at most $500.
SELECT ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE Price <= 500.00;
f) Not equal to (<>
): Find products that are not priced at $500.
SELECT ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE Price <> 500.00;
3 Logical Operators
Operator | Name | Description |
AND | Logical AND | Returns true if both conditions are true. |
OR | Logical OR | Returns true if at least one condition is true. |
NOT | Logical NOT | Reverses the result of a condition. |
a) AND Operator: Find products that are priced above $300 and have a quantity greater than 10.
SELECT ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE Price > 300 AND Quantity > 10;
b) OR Operator: Find products that are priced above $700 or have a quantity less than 15.
SELECT ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE Price > 700 OR Quantity < 15;
c) NOT Operator: Find products that are not priced at $800.
SELECT ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE NOT Price = 800.00;
4 Other SQL Operators
Operator | Name | Description |
IN | Set Membership | Checks if a value is present in a list of values. |
BETWEEN | Range Comparison | Checks if a value falls within a specified range. |
LIKE | Pattern Matching | Performs a search for a specified pattern in a column. |
IS NULL | NULL Check | Checks if a column has a NULL value. |
a) IN Operator: Find products with prices of either $300 or $800.
SELECT ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE Price IN (300.00, 800.00);
b) BETWEEN Operator: Find products priced between $300 and $800.
SELECT ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE Price BETWEEN 300.00 AND 800.00;
c) LIKE Operator: Find products that start with the letter ‘S’.
SELECT ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE ProductName LIKE 'S%';
d) IS NULL Operator: Find products that have no price specified.
SELECT ProductName
FROM Products
SQL operators are used to manipulate and filter data within databases. In this tutorial, we covered:
- Arithmetic Operators: Perform mathematical calculations.
- Comparison Operators: Compare values.
- Logical Operators: Combine multiple conditions.
- Other SQL Operators: Pattern matching, range checking, and NULL value handling.