The SQL RTRIM() function removes any trailing spaces (spaces at the end) from a specified string. This function is useful for cleaning up data and ensuring consistent formatting when working with text fields that might have extra spaces.

The RTRIM() function is supported across major SQL databases, including SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle.

In this tutorial, we will go through SQL RTRIM() String function, its syntax, and how to use this function in SQL statements for string operations, with the help of well detailed examples.

Syntax of SQL RTRIM() Function

The basic syntax of the SQL RTRIM() function is:


Each part of this syntax has a specific purpose:

  • string: The text from which you want to remove trailing spaces. This can be a column, variable, or text literal.

The RTRIM() function returns the string with all trailing spaces removed.

Setup for Examples: Creating the Database and Table

We’ll create a sample users table with fields username and address to demonstrate the RTRIM() function examples.

1. First, create a new database called user_data:


2. Select the user_data database to work with:

USE user_data;

3. Create a table named users with the fields user_id, username, and address:

    username VARCHAR(50),
    address VARCHAR(100)

4. Insert sample data into the users table to use with the RTRIM() function examples:

INSERT INTO users (username, address)
VALUES ('Alice   ', '123 Maple Street    '),
       ('Bob   ', '456 Oak Avenue  '),
       ('Charlie', '789 Pine Road');
SQL RTRIM() - Setup data for examples

With this setup complete, you can run the RTRIM() function examples to test and view results in the users table.

Examples: Using RTRIM() in SQL Queries

We’ll go through examples demonstrating the RTRIM() function in SQL, using sample data from a users table with fields username and address.

users table data

1 Removing Trailing Spaces from Usernames

To remove any trailing spaces from the username column:

SELECT username, RTRIM(username) AS trimmed_username
FROM users;

This query returns each username with trailing spaces removed, ensuring consistent output formatting.

SQL RTRIM() - Example: Removing Trailing Spaces from Usernames

2 Combining RTRIM() with LTRIM() to Remove Both Leading and Trailing Spaces

To remove both leading and trailing spaces from the address column:

SELECT address, LTRIM(RTRIM(address)) AS cleaned_address
FROM users;

This query applies RTRIM() and LTRIM() to ensure there are no leading or trailing spaces, providing fully trimmed addresses.

Reference: SQL LTRIM()

SQL RTRIM() - Example: Combining RTRIM() with LTRIM() to Remove Both Leading and Trailing Spaces

3 Using RTRIM() in Data Cleanup for Consistent Formatting

To ensure all data in the address column is consistently formatted without trailing spaces:

UPDATE users
SET address = RTRIM(address);

This UPDATE statement removes any trailing spaces from the address column for all rows, permanently cleaning up the data.

4 Using RTRIM() with CONCAT() for Formatted Output

To concatenate username with a greeting and ensure no trailing spaces affect the format:

SELECT CONCAT('Hello, ', RTRIM(username), '!') AS greeting
FROM users;

This query removes any trailing spaces from username before adding the greeting text, producing a well-formatted result.

SQL RTRIM() - Example: Using RTRIM() with CONCAT() for Formatted Output


1 What does the SQL RTRIM() function do?

The RTRIM() function removes any trailing spaces from a string, returning a cleaned version of the text.

2 Can RTRIM() handle NULL values?

Yes, if the input is NULL, RTRIM() returns NULL.

3 Is RTRIM() supported in all SQL databases?

Yes, RTRIM() is supported across major SQL databases, including MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and Oracle.

4 How is RTRIM() different from LTRIM()?

RTRIM() removes spaces from the end of a string, while LTRIM() removes spaces from the beginning.

5 Can RTRIM() be combined with other string functions?

Yes, RTRIM() can be combined with functions like LTRIM(), CONCAT(), and REPLACE() for more complex string manipulations.