SwiftUI LazyHStack

In SwiftUI, the LazyHStack is a horizontally scrolling container that efficiently arranges its child views in a horizontal stack. Unlike HStack, which loads all child views at once, the LazyHStack only loads views that are currently visible, making it ideal for large data sets and optimised performance.

This tutorial will cover how to use LazyHStack with examples to demonstrate its use cases, such as working with static and dynamic content.

Basic Syntax of LazyHStack

The basic syntax of LazyHStack is as follows:

LazyHStack {


  • LazyHStack: A horizontal stack that lazily loads child views.
  • Content1, Content2, Content3: The views arranged inside the stack.

The LazyHStack works well with large or dynamic content, as it loads only the views currently visible on the screen.

Examples of LazyHStack

Let’s explore practical examples of using LazyHStack in SwiftUI.

Example 1: Basic LazyHStack with Static Content

This example demonstrates a simple LazyHStack with static views arranged horizontally.

Code Example:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        ScrollView(.horizontal) {
            LazyHStack(spacing: 20) {
                ForEach(1...10, id: \.self) { index in
                    Text("Item \(index)")
                        .frame(width: 100, height: 100)

Xcode Screenshot:

Example for Basic LazyHStack with Static Content


  • The ScrollView(.horizontal) wraps the LazyHStack to allow horizontal scrolling. Refer ScrollView.
  • The ForEach generates ten text items dynamically.
  • The items are styled with a blue background and rounded corners.

Result: A horizontal scrollable list with 10 items, arranged in a lazy manner.

Example 2: LazyHStack with Images

This example arranges images inside a horizontally scrollable LazyHStack.

Code Example:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    let imageNames = ["star", "heart", "circle", "square", "triangle"]

    var body: some View {
        ScrollView(.horizontal) {
            LazyHStack(spacing: 15) {
                ForEach(imageNames, id: \.self) { name in
                    Image(systemName: name)
                        .frame(width: 80, height: 80)

Xcode Screenshot:

Example for LazyHStack with Images


  • The ScrollView enables horizontal scrolling.
  • The LazyHStack arranges the SF Symbols images horizontally.
  • Each image is styled with a background color, rounded corners, and a fixed frame size.

Result: A scrollable row of images styled with a gray background and purple icons.

Example 3: LazyHStack with Dynamic Content

This example demonstrates how to load a large number of dynamic items efficiently using LazyHStack.

Code Example:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    let items = Array(1...100)

    var body: some View {
        ScrollView(.horizontal) {
            LazyHStack(spacing: 10) {
                ForEach(items, id: \.self) { item in
                    Text("Item \(item)")
                        .frame(width: 80, height: 80)

Xcode Screenshot:

Example for LazyHStack with Dynamic Content


  • The items array contains 100 numbers to simulate a large dataset.
  • The LazyHStack only loads the views that are visible on the screen, improving performance.
  • Each item is styled with a fixed frame and orange background.

Result: A scrollable list of 100 items arranged horizontally, but only visible items are loaded lazily.


SwiftUI’s LazyHStack is a powerful tool for efficiently displaying horizontal content, especially for large or dynamic data sets. By combining it with ScrollView, you can create scrollable, performant, and visually appealing layouts in your app.