SwiftUI SecureField Height

In SwiftUI, the SecureField provides a simple way to handle secure text input, such as passwords. By default, it comes with a standard height defined by the system. However, there are situations where you might want to customize the height of a SecureField to better match your app’s design.

In this tutorial, we will guide you through customizing the height of a SecureField in a SwiftUI layout.

When to Set SecureField Height

Customizing the height of a SecureField is useful in scenarios such as:

  1. Creating a consistent visual style for forms with larger or smaller input fields.
  2. Adjusting for accessibility needs by providing more space for text entry.
  3. Matching the design guidelines of a specific app or brand.

Syntax to Set SecureField Height

To customize the height of a SecureField, you can use modifiers like .frame or wrap it in a container view with custom dimensions. Here is a basic syntax example:

SecureField("Placeholder", text: $bindingVariable)
    .frame(height: customHeight)

Example for Setting SecureField Height

The following example demonstrates how to create a SecureField with a custom height and style to align with the overall design of a form.

File: ContentView.swift

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var password: String = ""

    var body: some View {
        VStack(spacing: 20) {
            SecureField("Enter your password", text: $password)
                .frame(height: 50)

            Text("Password: \(password.isEmpty ? "Not entered" : password)")


struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

Detailed Explanation

  1. SecureField: Captures the user’s password securely and binds it to the @State variable password. The placeholder text guides the user.
  2. .frame(height: 50): Adjusts the height of the SecureField to 50 points, overriding the default height.
  3. .background: Adds a light gray background for visual distinction.
  4. .cornerRadius: Rounds the corners of the background for a modern appearance.
  5. .padding: Adds spacing inside and around the SecureField to ensure it fits well within the layout.
  6. Text View: Displays the entered password for demonstration purposes. This would not be used in production for security reasons.


SwiftUI Example for Setting SecureField Height


Customizing the height of a SecureField in SwiftUI allows you to create input fields that align with your app’s design and user experience goals.