SwiftUI SecureField onChange

In SwiftUI, the SecureField is a specialized input field designed for entering secure or sensitive information, such as passwords. The onChange modifier allows you to react to changes in the value of the SecureField. This makes it particularly useful for validating input or updating the UI dynamically based on user input.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use SecureField onChange modifier, with a well formed example, and detailed explanation for the example.

When is SecureField onChange Used?

The onChange modifier is typically used in scenarios where:

  1. You need to validate the password as the user types.
  2. Real-time feedback is required, such as updating a password strength indicator.
  3. You want to trigger some logic based on changes in the field, like enabling or disabling a button.


In this example, we will use SecureField onChange modifier to display password strength in real time when user enters the value in SecureField.

File: ContentView.swift

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var password: String = ""
    @State private var passwordStrength: String = "Weak"

    var body: some View {
        VStack(spacing: 20) {
            SecureField("Enter your password", text: $password)
                .onChange(of: password) { newValue in
                    updatePasswordStrength(for: newValue)

            Text("Password Strength: \(passwordStrength)")


    private func updatePasswordStrength(for password: String) {
        if password.count < 6 {
            passwordStrength = "Weak"
        } else if password.count < 12 {
            passwordStrength = "Moderate"
        } else {
            passwordStrength = "Strong"

    private func passwordStrengthColor() -> Color {
        switch passwordStrength {
        case "Weak":
            return .red
        case "Moderate":
            return .orange
        case "Strong":
            return .green
            return .gray

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

Detailed Explanation for the Example

  1. Importing SwiftUI: The code begins by importing the SwiftUI framework, which provides all the necessary tools for building the UI.
  2. State Variables: The @State properties password and passwordStrength store the user’s password and its strength, respectively. These properties enable the UI to react to changes in real-time.
  3. SecureField: The SecureField is bound to the password variable using the $password binding. It has a placeholder text “Enter your password” and uses the .onChange modifier to monitor changes to the password.
  4. Password Strength Logic: The updatePasswordStrength function evaluates the password’s length and assigns a strength value (Weak, Moderate, or Strong) accordingly. This function is called whenever the password changes.
  5. Password Strength Indicator: A Text view displays the password strength. The text color dynamically updates based on the strength using the passwordStrengthColor function.
  6. Layout: The VStack organizes the components vertically with padding and spacing for a clean layout.
  7. Preview: The ContentView_Previews struct allows you to preview the UI in Xcode’s canvas during development.


Example for SwiftUI SecureField onChange


The SecureField with onChange in SwiftUI is a powerful combination for creating responsive and user-friendly forms. This example demonstrates how to provide real-time feedback to users, improving the overall experience.