SwiftUI – Text Strikethrough

In SwiftUI, the .strikethrough(_:color:) modifier allows you to apply a strikethrough effect to a Text view. A strikethrough draws a line through the middle of the text, which is commonly used to indicate deletion, discounts, or changes in values.

In this SwiftUI tutorial, we will explore how to add a strikethrough effect with different configurations, including controlling its visibility and customizing the line color.

Syntax for Text Strikethrough

The basic syntax for adding a strikethrough to a Text view is:

Text("Your text here")
    .strikethrough(true, color: Color)


  • "Your text here": The content of the Text view.
  • true: A Boolean value that specifies whether the text should have a strikethrough. Use false to disable the strikethrough.
  • Color: Optional. Specifies the color of the strikethrough line. If omitted, the line will use the default text color.

By default, the strikethrough line matches the text color unless a specific color is provided.


Let’s dive into some examples to understand how to apply and customize the strikethrough effect in SwiftUI.

Example 1: Basic Strikethrough

This example shows how to add a simple strikethrough to text:

Code Example:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        Text("This text is struck through.")
SwiftUI - Text Strikethrough - Example for Basic Strikethrough


  • The .strikethrough() modifier applies a default strikethrough using the text color.
  • The .font(.title) makes the text larger for better visibility.

Result: The text is displayed with a line struck through its middle, matching the text color.

Example 2: Custom Strikethrough Color

Here’s how to use a custom color for the strikethrough line:

Code Example:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        Text("This text has a red strikethrough.")
            .strikethrough(true, color: .red)
SwiftUI - Text Strikethrough - Example for Custom Strikethrough Color


  • The .strikethrough(true, color: .red) applies a strikethrough line in red.
  • The .font(.title) makes the text larger for better visibility.

Result: The text is underlined with a bold red line, creating a strong visual emphasis.

Example 3: Conditional Strikethrough

Strikethrough can be conditionally applied based on a state value. Here’s an example:

Code Example:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var isStruckThrough = false
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Tap the button to toggle strikethrough.")
                .strikethrough(isStruckThrough, color: .blue)
            Button("Toggle Strikethrough") {


  • The isStruckThrough state controls whether the strikethrough is applied.
  • The .strikethrough(isStruckThrough, color: .blue) dynamically applies or removes the strikethrough line based on the state value.
  • The button toggles the state, enabling or disabling the strikethrough effect.

Result: The strikethrough can be toggled on or off dynamically by interacting with the button.


The .strikethrough modifier in SwiftUI is a versatile way to add emphasis or indicate changes in text content. Whether you’re applying a simple strikethrough or customizing it with a specific color, this modifier makes it easy to achieve the desired visual effect.