In computer science, particularly in the study of data structures and algorithms, the concept of the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) plays a pivotal role. The LCA of two nodes in a tree is the deepest (i.e., lowest) node that is an ancestor of both nodes. This concept is fundamental in various applications, including parsing hierarchical data, optimizing network queries, and solving problems related to family trees or organizational structures.

Definition of Lowest Common Ancestor

Given a tree structure where each node may have multiple children but only one parent (except the root, which has no parent), the Lowest Common Ancestor of two nodes, say A and B, is the lowest node in the tree that has both A and B as descendants (where a node can be a descendant of itself).

Why is LCA Important?

The LCA is essential for:

  1. Tree Algorithms: Many tree-based algorithms require understanding the relationships between nodes.
  2. Network Routing: Determining the closest common point in network hierarchies.
  3. Genealogy and Family Trees: Identifying the most recent common ancestor between two individuals.
  4. File Systems: Managing hierarchical directories and determining shared parent directories.

Illustrative Example

Consider the following binary tree:

       / \
      B   C
     / \   \
    D   E   F
       / \
      G   H
  • The LCA of nodes D and E is B.
  • The LCA of nodes G and H is E.
  • The LCA of nodes D and H is B.
  • The LCA of nodes D and F is A.

Algorithms to Find the LCA

Several algorithms can determine the LCA of two nodes in a tree. The choice of algorithm often depends on the type of tree (binary or general), whether the tree is static or dynamic, and the specific requirements of the application.

1. Naive Approach

The simplest method involves traversing from one node up to the root, storing all ancestors of the first node in a list or hash set. Then, traverse from the second node up to the root, checking each ancestor against the stored ancestors of the first node. The first match encountered is the LCA.

Time Complexity: O(N), where N is the number of nodes in the tree.

Space Complexity: O(N), for storing the ancestors of one node.

Example in Python:

class Node:
    def __init__(self, data): = data
        self.left = None
        self.right = None

def find_ancestors(root, node, ancestors):
    if root is None:
        return False
    if root == node or find_ancestors(root.left, node, ancestors) or find_ancestors(root.right, node, ancestors):
        return True
    return False

def lowest_common_ancestor(root, node1, node2):
    ancestors1 = []
    ancestors2 = []

    find_ancestors(root, node1, ancestors1)
    find_ancestors(root, node2, ancestors2)

    lca = None
    for ancestor in ancestors1:
        if ancestor in ancestors2:
            lca = ancestor
    return lca

# Example usage:
# Construct the tree as shown above
A = Node('A')
B = Node('B')
C = Node('C')
D = Node('D')
E = Node('E')
F = Node('F')
G = Node('G')
H = Node('H')

A.left = B
A.right = C
B.left = D
B.right = E
C.right = F
E.left = G
E.right = H

lca = lowest_common_ancestor(A, D, H)
print(  # Output: B

2. Efficient Approach Using Parent Pointers

If each node has a pointer to its parent, the problem can be simplified by first finding the depth of both nodes and then moving the deeper node up until both nodes are at the same depth. Then, move both nodes up together until they meet at the LCA.

Time Complexity: O(N)

Space Complexity: O(1)

Example in Python:

def get_depth(node):
    depth = 0
    while node.parent:
        node = node.parent
        depth += 1
    return depth

def lowest_common_ancestor_with_parent(node1, node2):
    depth1 = get_depth(node1)
    depth2 = get_depth(node2)

    # Make node1 the deeper node
    if depth2 > depth1:
        node1, node2 = node2, node1
        depth1, depth2 = depth2, depth1

    # Move node1 up until both nodes are at the same depth
    for _ in range(depth1 - depth2):
        node1 = node1.parent

    # Move both nodes up until they meet
    while node1 != node2:
        node1 = node1.parent
        node2 = node2.parent

    return node1

3. Binary Lifting (for Binary Trees)

Binary Lifting is an advanced technique used primarily for static trees to answer LCA queries efficiently after preprocessing. It involves precomputing ancestors at powers of two distances and using them to jump up the tree in logarithmic steps.

Time Complexity:

  • Preprocessing: O(N log N)
  • Query: O(log N)

Space Complexity: O(N log N)

Use Case: Suitable for scenarios with multiple LCA queries on large trees.

4. Tarjan’s Offline LCA Algorithm

Tarjan’s algorithm is designed for answering multiple LCA queries in an offline manner using Union-Find data structures. It efficiently handles multiple queries with near-linear time complexity.

Time Complexity: O(N + Q α(N)), where Q is the number of queries and α is the inverse Ackermann function.

Use Case: Ideal for applications where all LCA queries are known in advance.

Applications of LCA

  • XML/HTML Parsing: Determining the common parent node in hierarchical data structures.
  • Genealogy: Finding the most recent common ancestor between two individuals.
  • Network Routing: Optimizing paths and determining shared network nodes.
  • File Systems: Managing directory hierarchies and resolving relative paths.


The Lowest Common Ancestor is a fundamental concept in tree data structures, essential for various algorithmic solutions and practical applications. Understanding different methods to compute the LCA, from naive approaches to more sophisticated techniques like Binary Lifting and Tarjan’s algorithm, equips developers and computer scientists with the tools necessary to tackle complex hierarchical problems efficiently. Whether working on network optimizations, genealogy software, or parsing hierarchical data, mastering the LCA concept enhances problem-solving capabilities and algorithmic efficiency.