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C ctype.h
- isalnum()
- Checks if the given character is an alphanumeric character (a letter or a digit). Returns a nonzero value if true.
- isalpha()
- Determines whether the given character is an alphabetic letter (either uppercase or lowercase). Returns a nonzero value if true.
- isblank()
- Checks if the given character is a blank space, including space (‘ ‘) and tab (‘\t’). Returns a nonzero value if true.
- iscntrl()
- Identifies whether the given character is a control character (e.g., newline, backspace). Returns a nonzero value if true.
- isdigit()
- Determines if the given character is a decimal digit (0-9). Returns a nonzero value if true.
- isgraph()
- Checks if the given character has a graphical representation (any printable character except space). Returns a nonzero value if true.
- islower()
- Checks if the given character is a lowercase letter (a-z). Returns a nonzero value if true.
- isprint()
- Determines whether the given character is a printable character, including spaces but excluding control characters. Returns a nonzero value if true.
- ispunct()
- Checks if the given character is a punctuation character (not alphanumeric or space). Returns a nonzero value if true.
- isspace()
- Determines whether the given character is a whitespace character (space, tab, newline, carriage return, vertical tab, or form feed). Returns a nonzero value if true.
- isupper()
- Checks if the given character is an uppercase letter (A-Z). Returns a nonzero value if true.
- isxdigit()
- Determines if the given character is a valid hexadecimal digit (0-9, A-F, a-f). Returns a nonzero value if true.
- tolower()
- Converts an uppercase letter to its lowercase equivalent if applicable; otherwise, returns the character unchanged.
- toupper()
- Converts a lowercase letter to its uppercase equivalent if applicable; otherwise, returns the character unchanged.