C Loops

C Loops : Looping statements are used to repeat the execution of a block of code based on a condition.

Tutorials for C Loops

There are three types of looping statements (iterative statements). They are :

  • While loop
  • Do-while loop
  • For loop

The following tutorials cover different looping statements available in C programming, and also statements like break and continue that control the execution of a loop, with well detailed syntax and examples.

  1. For Loop in C
  2. While Loop in C
  3. Do-While Loop in C
  4. Nested Loops in C
  5. Break statement in C
  6. Continue statement in C
  7. Infinite For Loop in C
  8. Infinite While Loop in C

C Programs that Use Loops

The following programs cover scenarios where we use looping statements. These programs help you to learn the usage of loops in a C program.

  1. How to Write a For Loop without Initialization in C
  2. How to Write a For Loop without Condition in C
  3. How to Write a While Loop without Condition in C
  4. How to Choose Between For and While Loops in C
  5. How to Iterate Over Arrays using Loops in C
  6. How to Avoid Common Mistakes with Loops in C
  7. How to Read Multiple Inputs from User using a Loop in C
  8. How to Implement Input Validation using Loops in C
  9. How to Print Patterns using Loops in C
  10. How to Iterate Through a 2D Array using For Loop in C
  11. How to Exit Multiple Loops using Goto or Flags in C
  12. How to Compare the Performance of For and While Loops in C
  13. How to Calculate Factorials using Loops in C
  14. How to Generate Fibonacci Series using Loops in C
  15. How to Use Loop Counters and Iterators Effectively in C
  16. How to Reverse a String using Loops in C
  17. How to Reverse a Number using Loops in C
  18. How to Check for Prime Numbers using Loops in C
  19. How to Calculate the Sum of Numbers in Array using Loops in C
  20. How to Calculate the Average of Numbers in Array using Loops in C
  21. How to Find the GCD using Loops in C
  22. How to Find the LCM using Loops in C
  23. How to Count the Digits in a Number using Loops in C
  24. How to Find the Maximum Value in an Array using Loops in C
  25. How to Find the Minimum Value in an Array using Loops in C
  26. How to Convert a Decimal Number to Binary using Loops in C
  27. How to Generate a Multiplication Table using Loops in C

Overview of the Loop Statements in

While Loop

The while loop provides a mechanism to repeat the execution of a list of statements while a particular condition is true.

The syntax of while loop is:

while (condition) {
    //while block statement(s)

Let us write a C program with while loop. In the following program, we print whole numbers from 0 to 5 using C While Loop.

C Program


int main() {
	int i=0;
	while(i<=5) {
	return 0;



The while loop will execute as long as the given condition is true. If the given condition is not true, then the statements enclosed in the loop are never executed.

Following is another C program that uses while loop to find the sum of first 100 numbers.

C Program


int main() {
	int i=0,sum=0;			
	while(i<=100) {	
	printf("Sum : %d",sum);				
	return 0;


Sum : 5050

While loop is very useful, when the number of times the statements in the loop has to be executed is not known in advance.

Read more about C While Loop.

Do-While Loop

The do-while loop is similar to while loop. The only difference is that in do-while loop, the test condition is evaluated at the end of loop. In do-while loop, the test condition is evaluated at the end. So, the body of the loop gets executed atleast one time even if the condition is false.

The syntax of do-while loop is

do {
    //while block statement(s)
} while (condition);

In the following C program, we printing numbers from 0 to 5 using do-while loop.

C Program

int main() {
	int i=0;		
	do {	
		printf("\n %d",i);			
	} while(i<=5);			
	return 0;



In the following C  program, we use do-while loop to print the number, its square and its cube.

C Program

int main() {	
	int i,n;
	printf("\n Enter number:");
	do {
		printf("\n|\t %d \t|\t %d \t|\t %d \t",i,i*i,i*i*i);
	return 0;


Enter number:3

|        1      |        1      |        1
|        2      |        4      |        8
|        3      |        9      |        27

Read more about C Do-While Loop.

For Loop

C For Loop contains the initialization and update of loop control variables in the syntax itself.


for(initialization; condition; update) {
    // for block statement(s)


initialization of the loop allows to initialize the loop control variables.

condition is an expression that evaluates to a boolean value.

update may include incrementing, decrementing, or any other modification to the loop control variables or other variables.

Following is a C Program that uses For Loop to find factorial of a number.

C Program

int main() {
	int fact=1,num,i;
	printf("\n Enter number:");	
	if(num==0) {
	} else {

	printf("Factorial of %d is %d",num,fact);
	return 0;


Enter number:5
Factorial of 5 is 120

Read more about C For Loop.

Nested Loops

Nested loop means a loop inside another loop.It works with all three loops but mostly it can be used with for loop.Inner loop will execute some of the statements and the outer loop will execute the inner loop depends on given conditions.



int main() {
	int i,j;
	for(i=0;i<=4;i++) {
		for(j=0;j<=i;j++) {
			printf("* ");
    return 0;


* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *

Interview Questions on C Loops

1 What will be output of following c code?

int main() {
	int i,j;
		printf("%d  %d",i,j);
	return 0;


1 3

Step by step explanation

  • Initial value of variable
  • i = 2
  • j = 2
  • Consider the while condition : –i && j++
  • In first iteration:
  • –i && j++
  • = 1 && 2 //In c any non-zero number represents true.
  • = 1 (True)
  • So while loop condition is true. Hence printf function will print value of i = 1 and j = 3 (Due to post increment operator)
  • In second iteration:
  • –i && j++
  • = 0 && 3  //In c zero represents false
  • = 0  //False
  • So while loop condition is false. Hence program control will come out of the for loop.

2 Find the output of following c program

int main(){
  	  for(;;) {
        	 printf("%d ",10);
  	  return 0;


Infinite loop.


Refer Note provided in the earlier part of this article.

3 What would be the output of the following c program

int i=40;
extern int i;
int main() {
	do {
	return 0;



Step by step explaination

Initial value of variable i is 40
First iteration:
printf function will print i++ i.e. 40
do – while condition is : (5,4,3,2,1,0)
Here comma is behaving as operator and it will return 0. So while condition is false hence program control will come out of the for loop.

4 How many times this loop will execute?

int main(){
    char c=125;
         printf("%d ",c);
    return 0;


Finite number of times. Precisely 131 times.


  • If we will increment the char variable c it will increment as:
  • 126,127,-128,-127,126 . . . .   , 3, 2, 1, 0
  • When variable c = 0 then loop will terminate.