Generate a Unique Temporary File Name in C

In C, you can generate a unique temporary file name by using functions like tmpnam(), tmpfile(), or mkstemp() based on your requirements and platform.

Example 1: Using tmpnam() to Generate a Temporary File Name

In this example, we will use the tmpnam() function to generate a unique temporary file name. This function returns a string that can be used as a file name. Note that tmpnam() does not create a file, it only provides a unique name.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    // Generate a unique temporary file name
    char *tempName = tmpnam(NULL);
    printf("Temporary file name: %s\n", tempName);
    return 0;


  1. We include the header <stdio.h> to use tmpnam() and printf().
  2. The function tmpnam(NULL) generates a unique temporary file name and returns it as a string, which is stored in the variable tempName.
  3. We then print the generated temporary file name using printf().


Temporary file name: /tmp/XYZ123   (example output)

Example 2: Using tmpfile() to Create a Temporary File

In this example, we use the tmpfile() function to create a temporary file. Unlike tmpnam(), tmpfile() actually creates and opens the file, returning a FILE * pointer.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    // Create a temporary file and obtain a file pointer
    FILE *tempFile = tmpfile();
    if (tempFile == NULL) {
        perror("Failed to create temporary file");
        return 1;
    printf("Temporary file created successfully.\n");
    // The temporary file will be automatically removed when closed
    return 0;


  1. We include <stdio.h> to access tmpfile(), printf(), and fclose().
  2. tmpfile() creates a temporary file and returns a pointer to it, which is stored in the variable tempFile.
  3. We check if tempFile is NULL to ensure that the file was created successfully.
  4. We print a success message and then close the file using fclose(), which also removes the temporary file.


Temporary file created successfully.

Example 3: Using mkstemp() to Create and Open a Temporary File

This example demonstrates how to use the mkstemp() function to create a temporary file with a unique name. mkstemp() replaces a template string with a unique file name and opens the file, returning a file descriptor.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main() {
    // Template for the temporary file name (must end with XXXXXX)
    char template[] = "/tmp/tempfileXXXXXX";
    // Create and open a unique temporary file using mkstemp()
    int fd = mkstemp(template);
    if (fd == -1) {
        perror("Failed to create temporary file");
        return 1;
    printf("Temporary file created: %s\n", template);
    // Close the file descriptor when done
    return 0;


  1. We include <stdio.h>, <stdlib.h>, and <unistd.h> to access necessary functions.
  2. A character array template is defined with a path and a suffix of X’s. The X’s are placeholders that mkstemp() will replace with a unique combination.
  3. mkstemp(template) creates and opens a temporary file, replacing the X’s in template with a unique string and returning a file descriptor stored in fd.
  4. We check if fd is -1 to verify if the file was created successfully.
  5. The program then prints the generated unique temporary file name stored in template and closes the file descriptor using close().


Temporary file created: /tmp/tempfileAb3dE4   (example output)


In this tutorial, we explored three different approaches to generate a unique temporary file name in C:

  1. tmpnam(): Generates a unique file name without creating the file.
  2. tmpfile(): Creates and opens a temporary file that is automatically removed on closure.
  3. mkstemp(): Creates a temporary file with a unique name based on a template and returns a file descriptor.