Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators are used to perform basic mathematical arithmetic operators like addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc. The following table lists out all the arithmetic operators in Dart programming.

Addition+x+yReturns addition of x and y.
Subtractionx-yReturns the subtraction of y from x.
Multiplication*x*yReturns the multiplication of x and y.
Division/x/yReturns the quotient of the result of division of x by y.
Division~/x~/yReturns the quotient of the result of integer division of x by y.
Modulo%x%yReturns the reminder of division of x by y. Known as modular division.
Increments the value of x by 1.
Decrements the value of x by 1.


In the following program, we will take values in variables x and y, and perform arithmetic operations on these values using Dart Arithmetic Operators.


void main() {
    var x = 5;
    var y = 2;
    var addition = x + y;
    var subtraction = x - y;
    var multiplication = x * y;
    var division = x / y;
    var division_1 = x / y;
    var modulus = x % y;
    print('x + y = $addition');
    print('x - y = $subtraction');
    print('x * y = $multiplication');
    print('x / y = $division');
    print('x ~/ y = $division_1');
    print('x % y = $modulus');
    print('x++ = ${++x}');
    print('y-- = ${--y}');


x + y = 7
x - y = 3
x * y = 10
x / y = 2.5
x ~/ y = 2.5
x % y = 1
x++ = 6
y-- = 1

Arithmetic Operators Tutorials

The following tutorials cover each of the Arithmetic Operators in Dart, in detail with examples.

  • AdditionDart Tutorial on how to use Addition Operator to add two numbers.
  • SubtractionDart Tutorial on how to use Subtraction Operator to subtract a number from another.
  • MultiplicationDart Tutorial on how to use Multiplication Operator to find the product of two numbers.
  • Unary MinusDart Tutorial on how to use Unary Minus Operator to invert the sign of given number.
  • DivisionDart Tutorial on how to use Division Operator to find the quotient of division of given two numbers.
  • Division (Integer Quotient)Dart Tutorial on how to use Division Operator to find the quotient (an integer) of integer division.
  • Modulo DivisionDart Tutorial on how to use Modulo Operator to find the remainder of integer division of given two numbers.
  • IncrementDart Tutorial on how to use Increment Operator to increase the value in a variable by one.
  • DecrementDart Tutorial on how to use Decrement Operator to decrease the value in a variable by one.


In this Dart Tutorial, we learned about all the Arithmetic Operators in Dart programming, with examples.