In this Informatica tutorial, we will learn about Informatica PowerCenter Installation & Configuration step by step, Informatica Server Installation, client Installation, Oracle Database installation. Follow the steps given below
Informatica is a Software development company founded in 1993. Informatica PowerCenter is a product offered by Informatica which focuses on Data Integration. Informatica powercenter is a data integration tool based on ETL (Extraction, Transformation, Loading) architecture, which allows company and organization to access the data from ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) or OLTP(Online transaction processing) are to be transferred through ETL in to departmental warehouse or local data.
Informatica PowerCenter Installation and Configuration
- Pre-requisites for Informatica PowerCenter Installation
- Download Oracle Database
- Database installation for metadata repository
- Download Informatica PowerCenter
- Informatica PowerCenter Installation
- Informatica Client Installation
PreRequisites before Informatica PowerCenter Installation
Before Installing informatica 9.6.1 or 10.1.1 (latest version), we must check pre installation steps and System preRequisites. The following are some preRequisites that to be installed in your local system.
Operating System
Informatica PowerCenter can be installed in Windows based operating system and UNIX based operating system.
Informatica PowerCenter requires database for Configuration. We can install any Database like Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and DB2. In this Informatica tutorial, we are using Oracle database.
Database installation for Metadata Repository.
To Download Oracle Database, we must create user account at

Click here : Download latest Oracle Database 12c Release 2 .
- Download two files from and extract part1 and part2 together.

- Extract part2 in part1 folder as shown below.

Now open the folder and click on Setup to Install Oracle Database in your local system. Before installing Database make sure your environment variables are set.

- Click on Setup.

- Click on Next button.

- As shown in above, we have not selected email address for updates from Oracle Support.
- Click on Yes to proceed.

- Now select Create and Configure a database radio button.
- Click on next button to proceed.

- Select System class as Desktop Class and click on next button.

- In this step we have to select Oracle Database Installation location.
- Click on browse button, select your desires location.
- Enter Database name.
- Enter Administrative password and enter again to confirm administrative password.

- Click on Next button to proceed.

- Click on Allow access.

- Installation of Oracle database takes some time, wait till the progress bar shows 100%.

- Finally click on Finish button.
System requirements
Before installing Informatica PowerCenter, we sure that environment meets the minimum requirements like System hardware, Operating system, web browser and third party softwares.
- Approximately 35GB of hard disk space is required.
- Minimum 4GB RAM is required.
- It requires x86 chip Set.
- Adobe Flash plug-in is required.
How to Download Informatica PowerCenter for Free.
Before Downloading Informatica Software, it is essential to check the bit version(32-bit or 64-bit) of your local system(PC). Informatica PowerCenter 10.1.0 can be installed only on 64-bit but Informatica 9.6.1 can be installed on 32-bit and 64-bit computers.
Step by Step process to Download Informatica Software
The best place to download Informatica software is from Oracle e-delivery website. Follow the steps given below to download latest version of the software.
- Visit
- Sign in with valid Oracle credential. If you don’t have an account in, register for free account in Oracle.
- After logged in with username and password, accept all terms and conditions to download Informatica Software.

- Select all categories and enter Informatica and click on Search button.
- Now Oracle Informatica PowerCenter and PowerConnect Adapters will be shown below. Click on the link.
- Now click on Selected software.

- Select your Operating system from the drop down button and click on continue.

Uncheck the option on the top and select the version of Informatica software. Here we are downloading Informatica 9.6.1 for Microsoft Windows x86-64(64-bit) version.
- Click on Download button.

How to extract downloaded Informatica Software for installation.
When the download process completed, we now had valid software available in four ZIP files for Informatica PowerCenter 9.6.1. In windows, these zip files must be extracted using Rar Extracter.

All these four files must be extracted in separate folder for the Informatica files and must have approximately 25GB space for Informatica package extraction. Extracting the files in correct way is very important for installation. As shown above we have four files namely V76290-01_1of4, V76290-01_2of4,V76290-01_3of4,V76290-01_4of4.
Extract V76290-01_1of4 first, V76290-01_2of4 , V76290-01_4of4 finally extract V76290-01_4of4. After you finish extracting the four ZIP files, you will see another file dac_win_11g_infa_win_32bit_951 along with the other files. Extract the file dac_win_11g_infa_win_32bit_951 in the same folder. You will get two ZIP files: 951HF2_Client_Installer_win32-x86 and 951HF2_Server_Installer_win32-x86.
Now we have two files namely Client Installer and Server installer. These two files must be available in same folder as shown below.

- Oracle_All_OS_product.key is required for installation.
Informatica PowerCenter Installation & Configuration
Before installing Informatica PowerCenter, we must check preRequisites like System requirements, Oracle database Installation. Informatica PowerCenter Installation completes in three steps and each step must be followed in order.
- Informatica Server Installation.
- Configure Informatica Repository Service and Informatica Integration service.
- Informatica Client installation.
Informatica Server Installation.
Informatica Server Installation will completed in 7 steps. Follow the steps carefully for successful Informatica Server installation.
- Go to 961_Serve_Installer_ winem-64 bit folder and click on Install

Step 1 : Installation type
- Now go to Serve folder and click on Install.

Once you click on Install application, Informatica Installation wizard will open to select options like Install Informatica 9.6.1 and Upgrade to Informatica 9.6.1. If your are installing Informatica for the first time select install informatica 9.6.1 radio button as shown below.
- Click on Next button.

Step 2 : Verifying the installation pre-requisites.
In this steps, it verifies hard disk space, RAM, Database installed or not and other pre-requisites for installing Informatica 9.6.1 version in to your local system.
- Click on Next button.

Step 3 : Entering Oracle licence key
In this step, to proceed with Informatica installation we have to select the Oracle license key. Click on … button and navigate to licence key location.
- Click on open and the key file path will be entered as shown below.
- Click on Next button.

Step4 : Informatica Server installation starts.
After entering Oracle licence key, Informatica Server installation will starts and click on install button to proceed.

Step 4 : Informatica Server Installation Completes.
In this step, Informatica Server Installation will be completed after 100%. Wait till the installation progress shows 100%.

Step 5 : Creating Domain, Domain Configuration Repository and Domain Security.
In this Step ,we have three steps they are
- Creating an Informatica domain.
- Domain Configuration repository.
- Domain Security – Encryption key.
How to create Informatica domain.
In step 5A, we have two options Create a domain and Join a domain. If your are installing Informatica PowerCenter 9.6.1 or Informatica PowerCenter 10.1.1 leave the default settings and click on next button.
- Create Domain : Select this radio button, if your installing Informatica software for the first time.
- Join Domain : Select this radio button, if you want to join the existing domain with the previously created domain.
Check Enable HTTPS for Informatica Administrator option and don’t change port number, port number 8443 will be used as default. Check use a keystore file generated by the installer.

- Click on Allow access button to proceed.

Step 5B : Domain Configuration Repository.
In this step, we have to configure the database settings like database type, Database user ID, user password.
- Select the database type that your are using. Here we using Oracle.
- Enter Database user Id.
- Enter user password.
- Enter Database address which contains hostname and port number.
- Database Service name specify the service name for your database connection.
Now click on test connection.

If the connection is successful, it will display a pop up information showing that the connection is successful. Click on Ok button.
- Now click on Next button.

Step 5C : Domain Security – Encryption Key.
In this step, user must enter encryption key details(combination of uppercase and lowercase) for domain security.
- Click on next button.

- Domain name, encryption key and keyword are required when you want to change the encryption key for the domain or move a repository to another domain.
- Click on Ok button.

Step 6 : Domain and Node Configuration.
In step 6, Enter domain name that you require, Node host name and Node name, enter Domain username and Domain password. It is very important to save all these details because all these values are used when adding the domains and repository services in Informatica Repository.
- Click on next button.

Step 7 : Windows Service Configuration.
The installer creates a windows service under the current user account. By default, the same user account will be used to run the windows service.
- Click on next button.

Step 8 : Post-Installation Summary.
As shown below, Informatica 9.6.1 is complete and successfully installed in our local hard disk.

Click on Informatica Administrator Home page to open Informatica Admin Console.
Informatica Client Installation
After installing and configuring informatica repository Service and Integrated Service, we have to learn about informatica client installation and client tools. Navigate to client installer folder and click on install button as shown below.

Now Informatica Client Installation begins when we click on install button.

Step 1 : Selecting Installation type.
Informatica client Installation wizard will be opened and in this step we have to select installation type. We have two options :
- Install Informatica client : Select this option to perform a fresh installation of the Informatica 9.6.1 client tools.
- Upgrade to informatica 9.6.1 Clients : Select this option to upgrade to the informatica 9.6.1 tools.
Click on next button to proceed.

Step 2 : Application Client Selection
In this step, select Informatica developer, powerCenter Client, Data Transformation Studio Informatica application client tools and click on next button.

Step 4 : Installation directory.
Enter the installation directory. You can select the default informatica server installation directory. Click on next button.

Step 4A : Data Transformation Studio configuration.
In this step, we have to select an option to install data transformation studio and a standalone copy of Eclipse. Click on next button.

Step 5 : Pre-installation summary.
Click on Install button. Now Informatica Client Installation will start.

Step 6 : Installation.
Informatica Client tools get installed in our local system. Wait till 100% .

Step 7 : Post-Installation summary.
Once the installation process is complete, you will be redirected to post-installation summary screen. Check the summary and click on Done button.

To check the newly installed tools in windows operation system navigate to Start menu and go to Informatica 9.6.1.

In this Informatica tutorial, we have learned about pre-requisites before installing Informatica PowerCenter, How to install Oracle Database, How to download Informatica software from Oracle e-delivery website, Informatica PowerCenter installation and configuration step by step and Informatica Client installation. In our upcoming Informatica tutorial, we learn about Informatica administration console and configuration in detail.