In this tutorial, you will learn about Arithmetic Operators, how many Arithmetic Operators are there in Java, what are they, and examples for these operators.

Arithmetic Operators in Java

Java Arithmetic Operators in provides the ability to perform Mathematical Arithmetic operations in Java programming.

The following are the list of Arithmetic Operations supported in Java.

  1. Addition
  2. Subtraction
  3. Multiplication
  4. Division
  5. Modulus
  6. Increment (Pre-Increment, Post-Increment)
  7. Decrement (Pre-Decrement, Post-Decrement)

Arithmetic Operators Table

The following table specifies the Arithmetic Operator, the operator symbol, an example, and the description for each Arithmetic Operator in Java.

Addition + a + bReturns sum of a and b.
Subtraction - a – bReturns difference of b from a.
Multiplication * a * bReturns product of a and b.
Division / a / bReturns the quotient when a is divided by b.
Modular Division % a % bReturns reminder when a is divided by b.
Increment ++ a++ is Post-Increment.
++a is Pre-Increment.
Increments the value of a by one.
Post-Increment: The value of a is updated, only after the execution moves to next statement.
Pre-Increment: The value of a is updated during the execution of this statement itself.
Decrement -- a-- is Post-Decrement.
--a is Pre-Decrement.
Decrements the value of a by one.
Post-Decrement: The value of a is updated, only after the execution moves to next statement.
Pre-Decrement: The value of a is updated during the execution of this statement itself.


Now, let us see the demonstration of arithmetic operators with an Example Java Program,

public class Main {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int a = 10;
        int b = 5;

		System.out.println("Addition :       (a + b) = " + (a + b));
		System.out.println("Subtraction :    (a - b) = " + (a - b));
		System.out.println("Multiplication : (a * b) = " + (a * b));
		System.out.println("Division :       (a / b) = " + (a / b));
		System.out.println("Modulus :        (a % b) = " + (a % b));
        a = 10;
		System.out.println("During Post-Increment :   a = "+(a++));
        System.out.println("After  Post-Increment :   a = " + a);
        a = 10;
		System.out.println("During Pre-Increment :    a = " + (++a));
        System.out.println("After  Pre-Increment :    a = " + a);
		a = 10;
		System.out.println("During Post-Decrement :   a = "+(a--));
        System.out.println("After  Post-Decrement :   a = " + a);
        a = 10;
		System.out.println("During Pre-Decrement :    a = " + (--a));
        System.out.println("After  Pre-Decrement :    a = " + a);


Addition :       (a + b) = 15
Subtraction :    (a - b) = 5
Multiplication : (a * b) = 50
Division :       (a / b) = 2
Modulus :        (a % b) = 0
During Post-Increment :   a = 10
After  Post-Increment :   a = 11
During Pre-Increment :    a = 11
After  Pre-Increment :    a = 11
During Post-Decrement :   a = 10
After  Post-Decrement :   a = 9
During Pre-Decrement :    a = 9
After  Pre-Decrement :    a = 9

Arithmetic Operator Tutorials

The following tutorials provide a well detailed explanation and examples for each of the Arithmetic Operators in Java.

  1. Java Addition Operator
  2. Java Subtraction Operator
  3. Java Multiplication Operator
  4. Java Division Operator
  5. Java Modulus Operator
  6. Java Increment Operator
  7. Java Decrement Operator


In this Java Tutorial, we learned about different Arithmetic Operators in Java.