Java MySQL Tutorial
This tutorial covers the essential aspects of working with Java and MySQL, focusing on database and table operations and SQL queries. Whether you are creating, modifying, or querying data, these topics will help you perform a range of MySQL operations in Java applications.
Database Operations
Java MySQL – Create Database
Learn how to create a new database in MySQL using Java’s JDBC. This process involves establishing a connection and executing SQL statements to create the desired database.
Java MySQL – Get List of Databases
Retrieve and display a list of all existing databases. This is helpful for managing and selecting databases dynamically within an application.
Java MySQL – Select Database Understand how to choose and set a specific database for your session. Selecting a database is essential for performing table-specific operations within that database.
Java MySQL – Drop Database Learn how to delete a database when it is no longer needed. Dropping a database will permanently remove all tables and data within it, so it should be used cautiously.
Table Operations
Java MySQL – CREATE Table Learn to create new tables in a MySQL database. Creating tables includes specifying column names, data types, and primary keys.
Java MySQL – ALTER Table Modify an existing table by adding, deleting, or altering columns. This operation helps you change the structure of your database tables as your application grows.
Java MySQL – Show Tables List all tables in the current database to verify the structure or identify the tables you want to work with.
Java MySQL – Rename Table Rename an existing table. This operation can be useful for reorganizing table names as your project evolves.
Java MySQL – DROP Table Permanently delete a table and its data from the database when it’s no longer needed.
Java MySQL – Copy Table Duplicate an existing table structure, with or without the data, to create backup copies or to work on a different version of the data.
Java MySQL – Add/Delete Column Add or remove columns from an existing table to adjust its structure based on the application requirements.
Table Queries
Java MySQL – INSERT Row(s)
Insert new records into a table, essential for adding data to your database.
Java MySQL – UPDATE Row(s)
Update existing records in a table to change specific data.
Java MySQL – SELECT Row(s)
Retrieve specific records from a table, with options to filter and sort results as needed.
Java MySQL – DELETE Row(s)
Remove records from a table based on specified conditions. Use this operation carefully, as deleted data is often permanently lost.
Retrieve unique records from a query, eliminating duplicates from your results.