In this MongoDB tutorial, we learn how to connect to a MongoDB instance, from a Python application using pymongo library. We shall install the Python driver, create a connection, check if the client is ready, then close the connection to MongoDB instance.
Connect to MongoDB from Python
To connect to MongoDB from Python Application, follow these steps.
1. Install Python Driver – PyMongo
PyMongo contains tools for working with MongoDB.
To install PyMongo in Linux/OS X, use pip as shown below.
pip install pymongo
Console Output
root@tutorialkart:/home/arjun# pip install pymongo
Collecting pymongo
Downloading pymongo-3.5.1-cp27-cp27mu-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (368kB)
100% |????????????????????????????????| 368kB 13kB/s
Installing collected packages: pymongo
Successfully installed pymongo-3.5.1
To install PyMongo on Windows, use installer available at
2. Import MongoClient from pymongo
In you Python Script, import MongoClient that acts as a Client from Python to MongoDB.
from pymongo import MongoClient
3. Create a connection to MongoDB Daemon Service using MongoClient
Following is the syntax to create a MongoClient in Python.
client = MongoClient(URI);
URI is where the MongoDB instance runs.
Example : mongodb://
Note : If URI is not specified, it tries to connect to MongoDB instance at localhost on port 27017.
4. MongoClient is Ready
If there is no exception thrown during MongoClient creation, your MongoClient is successfully connected to MongoDB.
5. Close connection to MongoDB
Once you are done with the MongoDB Operations, close the connection between MongoClient and MongoDB Daemon Service.
In the following Python program, we establish a connection to MongoDB instance running at mongodb://
from Python using MongoClient.
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient("mongodb://")
print("Connection Successful")
Console Output
arjun@tutorialkart:~/workspace/python$ python
Connection Successful
In this MongoDB Tutorial, we have learnt to make a connection to MongoDB from Python using PyMongo Driver.