Apply a Function to All Elements in a List in Python

To apply a function to all elements in a list in Python, you can use the map() function, list comprehensions, or a for loop. These methods allow efficient transformation of list elements using custom or built-in functions. Let’s explore different approaches with examples.


1. Apply a Function to All Elements in a List Using the map() Function

The map() function applies a given function to all elements in an iterable and returns an iterator.

# Function to square a number
def square(n):
    return n * n

# List of numbers
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# Applying the function to all elements using map()
squared_numbers = list(map(square, numbers))

# Printing the updated list
print("Squared Numbers:", squared_numbers)


  • The function square(n) takes a number and returns its square.
  • The map() function applies square to all elements of the numbers list.
  • The result is converted to a list using list() since map() returns an iterator.


Squared Numbers: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

2. Apply a Function to All Elements in a List Using List Comprehension

List comprehension provides a concise way to apply a function to all elements of a list.

# Function to convert a string to uppercase
def to_uppercase(s):
    return s.upper()

# List of words
words = ["hello", "world", "python"]

# Applying function using list comprehension
uppercase_words = [to_uppercase(word) for word in words]

# Printing the updated list
print("Uppercase Words:", uppercase_words)


  • The function to_uppercase(s) converts a string to uppercase.
  • List comprehension iterates through each element of the words list and applies the function.
  • The result is a new list containing transformed elements.


Uppercase Words: ['HELLO', 'WORLD', 'PYTHON']

3. Apply a Function to All Elements in a List Using a for Loop

A for loop can be used to iterate through the list and apply a function to each element.

# Function to double a number
def double(n):
    return n * 2

# List of numbers
values = [10, 20, 30]

# Applying function using a for loop
doubled_values = []
for v in values:

# Printing the updated list
print("Doubled Values:", doubled_values)


  • The function double(n) multiplies a number by 2.
  • A for loop iterates through the values list, applying the function and storing results in doubled_values.
  • Each element is processed individually before being appended to the new list.


Doubled Values: [20, 40, 60]

4. Apply a Function to All Elements in a List Using Lambda Function with map()

A lambda function can be used inside map() for concise, inline transformations.

# List of numbers
nums = [3, 6, 9, 12]

# Applying function using map() with lambda
tripled_nums = list(map(lambda x: x * 3, nums))

# Printing the updated list
print("Tripled Numbers:", tripled_nums)


  • A lambda function lambda x: x * 3 triples each element.
  • The map() function applies the lambda to all elements in nums.
  • The result is converted to a list.


Tripled Numbers: [9, 18, 27, 36]


There are multiple ways to apply a function to all elements in a list:

  1. map() function: Efficient and works with built-in or custom functions.
  2. List Comprehension: A more readable, Pythonic way of applying functions.
  3. For Loop: Provides more control but is less concise.
  4. Lambda with map(): Useful for simple, inline transformations.