Check if a Directory Exists Before Creating It in Python

To check if a directory exists before creating it in Python, we use the os.path.exists() or pathlib.Path.exists() method. If the directory does not exist, we can create it using os.makedirs() or Path.mkdir().

Examples for Checking if a Directory Exists Before Creating

1. Checking and Creating a Directory Using os Module

In this example, we check if a directory exists using os.path.exists() and create it using os.makedirs() if it does not exist.

import os

# Define the directory path
dir_path = "example_directory"

# Check if the directory exists
if not os.path.exists(dir_path):
    os.makedirs(dir_path)  # Create the directory
    print(f"Directory '{dir_path}' was created.")
    print(f"Directory '{dir_path}' already exists.")


  1. import os: Imports the os module to work with the filesystem.
  2. dir_path = "example_directory": Defines the directory name.
  3. os.path.exists(dir_path): Checks if the directory exists.
  4. os.makedirs(dir_path): Creates the directory if it does not exist.
  5. Prints a message confirming whether the directory was created or already exists.


Directory 'example_directory' was created.

2. Checking and Creating a Directory Using pathlib

Here, we use the pathlib module to check if a directory exists and create it using Path.mkdir().

from pathlib import Path

# Define the directory path
dir_path = Path("example_directory")

# Check if the directory exists
if not dir_path.exists():
    dir_path.mkdir(parents=True)  # Create the directory
    print(f"Directory '{dir_path}' was created.")
    print(f"Directory '{dir_path}' already exists.")


  1. from pathlib import Path: Imports the Path class from pathlib.
  2. dir_path = Path("example_directory"): Creates a Path object for the directory.
  3. dir_path.exists(): Checks if the directory exists.
  4. dir_path.mkdir(parents=True): Creates the directory if it does not exist.
  5. Prints whether the directory was created or already exists.


Directory 'example_directory' already exists.

3. Using try-except to Handle Directory Creation

We use try-except to handle errors that might occur while creating a directory.

import os

dir_path = "example_directory_1"

    os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True)
    print(f"Directory '{dir_path}' is ready.")
except Exception as e:
    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")


  1. import os: Imports the os module.
  2. os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True): Creates the directory if it does not exist and avoids an error if it already exists.
  3. try-except: Catches any errors that might occur.
  4. Prints whether the directory is ready or an error message.


Directory 'example_directory_1' is ready.

4. Creating Nested Directories

Here, we check for nested directories and create them if they do not exist.

import os

nested_dir = "parent/child/grandchild"

# Check if the directory exists
if not os.path.exists(nested_dir):
    print(f"Nested directories '{nested_dir}' were created.")
    print(f"Directories '{nested_dir}' already exist.")


  1. import os: Imports the os module.
  2. nested_dir = "parent/child/grandchild": Defines a nested directory path.
  3. os.makedirs(nested_dir): Creates all necessary directories in the path.
  4. Prints a message confirming the creation of nested directories.


Nested directories 'parent/child/grandchild' were created.


Checking if a directory exists before creating it in Python can be done using:

  1. os.path.exists() and os.makedirs() for standard directory operations.
  2. pathlib.Path.exists() and Path.mkdir() for object-oriented handling.
  3. Using try-except to handle potential errors.
  4. Creating nested directories with os.makedirs().

By using these methods, you can safely create directories without overwriting existing ones.