Check if All Elements in a List Satisfy a Condition in Python

In Python, we can check if all elements in a list satisfy a condition using the all() function, list comprehensions, or loops. The all() function is the most efficient way to check conditions across all elements in a list.


1. Check if All Elements in a List Satisfy a Condition using the all() Function

The all() function returns True if all elements in an iterable evaluate to True. This is the most Pythonic way to check conditions in a list.

# List of numbers
numbers = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

# Checking if all numbers are even
all_even = all(num % 2 == 0 for num in numbers)

# Printing the result
print("Are all numbers even?", all_even)



  1. numbers is a list containing even integers.
  2. all() checks if each number satisfies the condition num % 2 == 0, meaning the number is even.
  3. The expression inside all() is a generator that iterates over each number in the list.
  4. If all numbers are even, all_even is True, otherwise, it’s False.


Are all numbers even? True

2. Check if All Elements in a List Satisfy a Condition using a For Loop

A for loop can be used to iterate over the list and manually check if all elements satisfy a condition.

# List of numbers
numbers = [5, 15, 25, 35]

# Checking if all numbers are greater than 0
all_positive = True
for num in numbers:
    if num <= 0:
        all_positive = False

# Printing the result
print("Are all numbers positive?", all_positive)



  1. numbers contains positive integers.
  2. The for loop checks if each number is greater than 0.
  3. If a number is found that is less than or equal to 0, all_positive is set to False and the loop exits early.
  4. Otherwise, all_positive remains True.


Are all numbers positive? True

3. Checking if All Strings Contain a Specific Character

We can use the all() function to check if all strings in a list contain a specific character.

# List of strings
words = ["apple", "apricot", "avocado"]

# Checking if all words contain the letter 'a'
all_contain_a = all("a" in word for word in words)

# Printing the result
print("Do all words contain 'a'?", all_contain_a)



  1. words contains three strings.
  2. The generator expression inside all() checks if the letter “a” exists in each word.
  3. If every word contains “a”, the result is True.


Do all words contain 'a'? True

4. Checking if All Elements Are of the Same Data Type

We can use all() with isinstance() to check if all elements in a list belong to the same data type.

# List of elements
elements = [10, 20, 30, 40]

# Checking if all elements are integers
all_integers = all(isinstance(elem, int) for elem in elements)

# Printing the result
print("Are all elements integers?", all_integers)



  1. elements contains integers.
  2. all() checks if each element in elements is an instance of int using isinstance().
  3. If all elements are integers, the result is True.


Are all elements integers? True


To check if all elements in a list satisfy a condition in Python, we can use:

  1. all(): The most efficient method for checking conditions.
  2. for loop: A manual way to check each element.
  3. String conditions: "substring" in element inside all().
  4. isinstance(): Useful for checking data types.

The all() function is recommended for most use cases due to its simplicity and efficiency.