Check if Any Element in a List Satisfies a Condition in Python

In Python, you can check if any element in a list satisfies a given condition using the built-in any() function. This function returns True if at least one element meets the condition and False otherwise. Other methods include using loops and list comprehensions.


1. Check if Any Element in a List Satisfies a Condition Using any() with a List Comprehension

The any() function can be combined with a list comprehension to check if any element satisfies a condition.

# List of numbers
numbers = [2, 4, 6, 8, 9]

# Check if any number is odd
result = any(num % 2 != 0 for num in numbers)

# Printing the result
print("Is there an odd number in the list?", result)


Here, we:

  1. Define a list numbers containing integers.
  2. Use a generator expression num % 2 != 0 for num in numbers inside any() to check if any number is odd.
  3. If at least one number is odd, any() returns True, otherwise it returns False.


Is there an odd number in the list? True

2. Using a Loop to Check for a Condition

If we don’t use any(), we can manually check for a condition using a loop.

# List of strings
words = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "date"]

# Check if any word starts with "b"
found = False
for word in words:
    if word.startswith("b"):
        found = True

# Printing the result
print("Is there a word that starts with 'b'?", found)


Here, we:

  1. Define a list words with different fruit names.
  2. Initialize a boolean variable found as False.
  3. Iterate through the list using a for loop.
  4. Check if any word starts with “b” using startswith("b").
  5. If a match is found, we update found to True and break the loop.


Is there a word that starts with 'b'? True

3. Using filter() with any()

The filter() function can be used along with any() to check if a condition holds.

# List of ages
ages = [10, 15, 20, 25]

# Check if any age is below 18
result = any(filter(lambda age: age < 18, ages))

# Printing the result
print("Is there any age below 18?", result)


Here, we:

  1. Define a list ages with different age values.
  2. Use filter() with a lambda function lambda age: age < 18 to filter out ages below 18.
  3. Pass the filtered result to any() to check if any values remain.


Is there any age below 18? True

4. Using set Operations to Check Membership

We can use set operations to check if any element in one list exists in another list.

# List of colors
available_colors = ["red", "blue", "green"]

# Check if any preferred color is available
preferred_colors = ["black", "blue", "white"]
result = bool(set(preferred_colors) & set(available_colors))

# Printing the result
print("Is any preferred color available?", result)


Here, we:

  1. Define available_colors and preferred_colors lists.
  2. Use set intersection set(preferred_colors) & set(available_colors) to find common elements.
  3. Convert the result to bool to determine if there is a match.


Is any preferred color available? True


To check if any element in a list satisfies a condition, you can use:

  1. any() with list comprehension: The most efficient way.
  2. Looping with a flag: Useful for custom conditions.
  3. filter() with any(): More readable and functional.
  4. Set operations: Ideal for membership checking.

Choose the method that best fits your use case for optimal performance and readability.