Convert a CSV File to JSON Format in Python

To convert a CSV file to JSON format in Python, we can use the built-in csv module to read the CSV file and the json module to write it as a JSON file. This conversion is useful for working with APIs, databases, and structured data manipulation.

Examples to Convert a CSV File to JSON Format

1. Converting a Simple CSV File to JSON

In this example, we will convert a simple CSV file students.csv with column headers into JSON format.

import csv
import json

# Open the CSV file for reading
with open("students.csv", "r") as csv_file:
    csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file)  # Read CSV as dictionary

    # Convert CSV data to a list of dictionaries
    data = list(csv_reader)

# Write JSON data to a file
with open("students.json", "w") as json_file:
    json.dump(data, json_file, indent=4)

print("CSV file successfully converted to JSON!")


  1. We import the csv and json modules to handle CSV reading and JSON writing.
  2. Using open(), we read the data.csv file.
  3. The csv.DictReader() function reads each row as a dictionary using column headers as keys.
  4. We convert the CSV data into a list of dictionaries using list(csv_reader).
  5. We open a JSON file in write mode and use json.dump() to write the data in JSON format with indentation.
  6. The JSON file is created successfully, and a confirmation message is printed.


CSV file successfully converted to JSON!

2. Converting CSV to JSON with Custom Keys

In this example, we will manually specify keys instead of using CSV column headers.

import csv
import json

# Define custom keys for each column
custom_keys = ["Roll Number", "First Name", "Grade"]

# Open CSV and read data
with open("students.csv", "r") as csv_file:
    csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file)  # Read CSV as list of rows

    # Skip the first row (column headers)

    # Convert CSV data to list of dictionaries
    data = [dict(zip(custom_keys, row)) for row in csv_reader]

# Write to JSON file
with open("students.json", "w") as json_file:
    json.dump(data, json_file, indent=4)

print("CSV file converted with custom keys!")


  1. We define a list custom_keys that contains column names.
  2. We use csv.reader() to read the file as raw row data.
  3. The first row is skipped using next(csv_reader) since we manually define keys.
  4. Each row is converted into a dictionary using zip(custom_keys, row).
  5. The resulting list of dictionaries is written to a JSON file.


CSV file converted with custom keys!


In this tutorial, we explored multiple ways to convert a CSV file to JSON in Python:

  1. Basic CSV to JSON conversion: Using csv.DictReader() to create a list of dictionaries.
  2. Custom Keys: Manually defining keys instead of using CSV headers.
  3. Nested JSON Structure: Creating a structured JSON output with grouped keys.

Each method provides a different approach based on your needs. The csv and json modules make it easy to handle these conversions efficiently.