Convert a Dictionary to a List of Values in Python

To convert a dictionary to a list of values in Python, you can use the values() method, which returns a view object of all dictionary values. This view object can be easily converted into a list using the list() constructor.


1. Dictionary to a List of Values using the values() Method

The simplest way to convert a dictionary into a list of values is by using the values() method.

# Creating a dictionary
student_scores = {"Alice": 85, "Bob": 90, "Charlie": 78}

# Converting dictionary values to a list
values_list = list(student_scores.values())

# Printing the list of values
print("List of Values:", values_list)


In this example:

  1. The dictionary student_scores stores names as keys and their scores as values.
  2. We use student_scores.values() to retrieve all values from the dictionary.
  3. The list() constructor converts these values into a list.


List of Values: [85, 90, 78]

2. Extracting Values from a Dictionary with Different Data Types

Dictionary values can have different data types, such as integers, strings, and lists.

# Creating a dictionary with mixed data types
person_info = {"name": "John", "age": 30, "hobbies": ["reading", "cycling"]}

# Converting dictionary values to a list
values_list = list(person_info.values())

# Printing the list of values
print("List of Values:", values_list)


In this example:

  1. The dictionary person_info contains a string, an integer, and a list as values.
  2. We retrieve all values using person_info.values().
  3. The list() function converts these values into a list.


List of Values: ['John', 30, ['reading', 'cycling']]

3. Converting Nested Dictionary Values to a List

When dealing with nested dictionaries, we may need to extract values from inner dictionaries.

# Creating a nested dictionary
employee_data = {
    "emp1": {"name": "Alice", "salary": 5000},
    "emp2": {"name": "Bob", "salary": 6000},

# Extracting only the salaries from the nested dictionary
salaries = [data["salary"] for data in employee_data.values()]

# Printing the extracted list of salaries
print("List of Salaries:", salaries)


In this example:

  1. The dictionary employee_data stores employee records, where each key holds a dictionary.
  2. We iterate through employee_data.values() and extract the salary from each inner dictionary using list comprehension.
  3. The result is a list containing all salaries.


List of Salaries: [5000, 6000]

4. Converting Dictionary Values to a Sorted List

We can sort the extracted values in ascending or descending order.

# Creating a dictionary
product_prices = {"Laptop": 1200, "Phone": 800, "Tablet": 500}

# Converting dictionary values to a sorted list
sorted_prices = sorted(product_prices.values())

# Printing the sorted list of values
print("Sorted Prices:", sorted_prices)


In this example:

  1. The dictionary product_prices stores product names as keys and their prices as values.
  2. We use sorted() to sort the extracted values in ascending order.


Sorted Prices: [500, 800, 1200]


Python provides multiple ways to convert dictionary values into a list:

  1. Using values(): The easiest method to retrieve all dictionary values.
  2. Handling mixed data types: Ensures all values, regardless of type, are stored in a list.
  3. Extracting from nested dictionaries: Uses list comprehension for targeted extraction.
  4. Sorting dictionary values: Helps retrieve values in a specific order.

By selecting the appropriate method, you can efficiently work with dictionary values as lists.