Find the Current Working Directory in Python

In Python, you can find the current working directory using the os.getcwd() method from the os module. This function returns the absolute path of the directory where your Python script is running.

Examples for Finding the Current Working Directory

1. Find the Current Working Directory Using os.getcwd()

In this example, we will use the os.getcwd() function to get the current working directory and print it.

import os

# Get current working directory
cwd = os.getcwd()

# Print the current working directory
print("Current Working Directory:", cwd)


  1. We import the os module, which provides functions for interacting with the operating system.
  2. The getcwd() function is used to retrieve the current working directory and store it in the cwd variable.
  3. We print the value of cwd, displaying the absolute path of the current working directory.


Current Working Directory: /Users/tutorialkart/Documents

2. Find the Current Working Directory Using pathlib.Path.cwd()

In this example, we will use the pathlib module’s Path.cwd() method to get the current working directory.

from pathlib import Path

# Get current working directory
cwd = Path.cwd()

# Print the current working directory
print("Current Working Directory:", cwd)


  1. We import the Path class from the pathlib module, which provides an object-oriented way to work with filesystem paths.
  2. The cwd() method of the Path class retrieves the current working directory.
  3. We print the value of cwd to display the directory path.


Current Working Directory: /Users/tutorialkart/Documents

3. Find and Change the Current Working Directory

In this example, we will find the current working directory using os.getcwd(), change it using os.chdir(), and verify the change.

import os

# Get and print the initial working directory
initial_cwd = os.getcwd()
print("Initial Working Directory:", initial_cwd)

# Change the current working directory

# Get and print the new working directory
new_cwd = os.getcwd()
print("New Working Directory:", new_cwd)


  1. We import the os module to interact with the operating system.
  2. The getcwd() function retrieves and prints the current working directory before any change.
  3. The chdir() function is used to change the working directory to /Users/tutorialkart/Desktop.
  4. We use getcwd() again to print the new working directory after the change.


Initial Working Directory: /Users/tutorialkart/Documents
New Working Directory: /Users/tutorialkart/Desktop

4. Find the Current Working Directory and Check If It Exists

In this example, we will get the current working directory and check if the directory exists using os.path.exists().

import os

# Get current working directory
cwd = os.getcwd()

# Check if the directory exists
exists = os.path.exists(cwd)

# Print results
print("Current Working Directory:", cwd)
print("Does the directory exist?", exists)


  1. We import the os module.
  2. The getcwd() function retrieves the current working directory.
  3. The os.path.exists() function checks if the directory exists.
  4. We print both the directory path and the existence check result.


Current Working Directory: /Users/tutorialkart/Documents
Does the directory exist? True


In this tutorial, we explored different ways to find the current working directory in Python:

  1. os.getcwd(): The simplest method to get the current directory.
  2. Path.cwd(): A modern alternative from the pathlib module.
  3. os.chdir(): To change the working directory.
  4. os.path.exists(): To check if the current working directory exists.