Get Absolute Path of a File in Python

To get the absolute path of a file in Python, you can use the os.path.abspath() function from the os module or the Path.resolve() method from the pathlib module. These methods allow you to retrieve the full path of a file, ensuring clarity when working with relative file paths.

Examples to Get Absolute Path

1. Using os.path.abspath() to Get Absolute Path

In this example, we will use the os.path.abspath() function to get the absolute path of a file. This function takes a relative path and returns the full absolute path.

import os

# Define a relative file path
relative_path = "example.txt"

# Get the absolute path
absolute_path = os.path.abspath(relative_path)

# Print the absolute path
print("Absolute Path:", absolute_path)


  1. We import the os module to access file path functions.
  2. We define a relative file path as "example.txt".
  3. We use os.path.abspath(relative_path) to convert the relative path into an absolute path.
  4. We print the absolute path using the print() function.


2. Using pathlib.Path.resolve() to Get Absolute Path

We will use the pathlib.Path.resolve() method to obtain the absolute path of a file. The pathlib module provides an object-oriented approach to working with file paths.

from pathlib import Path

# Define a relative file path
relative_path = Path("example.txt")

# Get the absolute path
absolute_path = relative_path.resolve()

# Print the absolute path
print("Absolute Path:", absolute_path)


  1. We import Path from the pathlib module.
  2. We create a Path object for the file "example.txt".
  3. We use relative_path.resolve() to get the absolute path.
  4. We print the absolute path using the print() function.


3. Getting Absolute Path of a Script File

In this example, we will retrieve the absolute path of the currently running script using os.path.abspath() and __file__.

import os

# Get the absolute path of the script
script_path = os.path.abspath(__file__)

# Print the absolute path
print("Script Absolute Path:", script_path)


  1. We import the os module.
  2. We use os.path.abspath(__file__) to get the absolute path of the currently executing script.
  3. We print the script’s absolute path using print().


4. Getting Absolute Path of the Current Working Directory

In this example, we will find the absolute path of the current working directory using os.getcwd().

import os

# Get the absolute path of the current working directory
cwd = os.getcwd()

# Print the absolute path
print("Current Working Directory:", cwd)


  1. We import the os module.
  2. We use os.getcwd() to get the absolute path of the current working directory.
  3. We print the current working directory path using print().



In summary, here are the different ways to get the absolute path of a file in Python:

  1. os.path.abspath(): Converts a relative path to an absolute path.
  2. pathlib.Path.resolve(): Object-oriented approach to getting absolute paths.
  3. os.path.abspath(__file__): Retrieves the absolute path of the current script.
  4. os.getcwd(): Gets the absolute path of the current working directory.