Read Large Files Efficiently in Python

To read large files efficiently in Python, you should use memory-efficient techniques such as reading the file line-by-line using with open() and readline(), reading files in chunks with read(), or using libraries like pandas and csv for structured data. These methods ensure minimal memory consumption while processing large files.


1. Reading a Large File Line by Line

Reading a file line by line prevents loading the entire file into memory, which is useful for large files.

# Open the file in read mode
with open("sample.txt", "r") as file:
    for line in file:
        print('Line:', line.strip())  # Process the line


Here, we open the file using with open("sample.txt", "r"), which ensures that the file is properly closed after execution. The for loop reads one line at a time, reducing memory usage. The strip() function removes extra spaces or newline characters.


2. Reading a Large File in Chunks

Reading a file in chunks is useful for binary files or when processing large text data without loading everything into memory.

# Open file and read in chunks
chunk_size = 1024  # Read 1KB at a time
with open("large_file.txt", "r") as file:
    while True:
        chunk =
        if not chunk:


We define a variable chunk_size = 1024 to read 1KB at a time. Using, we read and process data in small chunks. The while True loop ensures continuous reading until an empty chunk (not chunk) is encountered, indicating the end of the file.


Chunk 1: Data...
Chunk 2: More Data...
Chunk 3: Even More Data...

3. Using the csv Module for Large CSV Files

For structured text data, the csv module allows efficient row-by-row reading.

import csv

# Open CSV file and read row by row
with open("large_file.csv", "r") as file:
    reader = csv.reader(file)
    for row in reader:


We import the csv module and use csv.reader(file) to process the CSV file line by line. This prevents excessive memory usage and efficiently handles large datasets.


['ID', 'Name', 'Age']
['1', 'Alice', '25']
['2', 'Bob', '30']

4. Using pandas for Large CSV Files

The pandas library provides a memory-efficient way to process large CSV files using the chunksize parameter.

import pandas as pd

# Read CSV file in chunks
chunk_size = 1000  # Process 1000 rows at a time
for chunk in pd.read_csv("large_file.csv", chunksize=chunk_size):
    print(chunk.head())  # Process the chunk


We define chunk_size = 1000 to load 1000 rows at a time. The pd.read_csv("large_file.csv", chunksize=chunk_size) function returns an iterable object, processing data in chunks instead of loading the entire file at once.


    ID   Name  Age
0    1  Alice   25
1    2    Bob   30


To efficiently read large files in Python, choose an approach based on the file type:

  1. Line-by-Line Reading: Best for large text files without structure.
  2. Chunk-Based Reading: Ideal for binary and text files needing memory efficiency.
  3. csv.reader(): Best for structured CSV files.
  4. pandas.read_csv(): Optimal for large structured datasets.