Write Multiple Lines to a File in Python

To write multiple lines to a file in Python, you can use the write() method in a loop, the writelines() method for writing a list of strings, or use context managers (with open()) to handle files efficiently. In this tutorial, we will explore different approaches with examples.


1. Write Multiple Lines to a File Using write() in a Loop

We can write multiple lines to a file using the write() method inside a loop.


# Open the file in write mode
with open("output.txt", "w") as file:
    lines = ["Line 1\n", "Line 2\n", "Line 3\n"]  # List of lines

    # Writing lines one by one
    for line in lines:

print("File written successfully!")


  1. We open a file named output.txt in write mode ("w").
  2. The variable lines is a list of strings, where each string represents a line of text followed by a newline character (\n).
  3. Using a for loop, we write each line to the file using the write() method.
  4. The with open() statement ensures the file is closed automatically after writing.


Content of output.txt:

2. Write Multiple Lines to a File Using writelines() Method

The writelines() method writes multiple lines from a list directly to a file without looping.


# Open the file in write mode
with open("output.txt", "w") as file:
    lines = ["Hello World!\n", "Python is great!\n", "File handling is easy.\n"]

    # Writing all lines at once

print("File written successfully!")


  1. The file output.txt is opened in write mode.
  2. The lines variable is a list of strings, each ending with a newline character (\n).
  3. Instead of using a loop, we pass the entire list to the writelines() method, which writes all lines at once.

Output (Content of output.txt):

3. Writing to a File Using join() Method

We can use the join() method to create a single string before writing it to a file.


# Open the file in write mode
with open("output.txt", "w") as file:
    lines = ["apple\n", "banana\n", "mango\n"]

    # Writing the joined string

print("File written successfully!")


  1. The file output.txt is opened in write mode.
  2. We have a list of lines stored in the variable lines.
  3. Using the join() method, we concatenate all lines into a single string.
  4. The write() method writes the concatenated string to the file.

Output (Content of output.txt):

4. Writing Multiple Lines to a File Without Newline Characters

If we forget to add newline characters, all lines will be written as a single continuous string.


# Open the file in write mode
with open("output.txt", "w") as file:
    lines = ["First Line", "Second Line", "Third Line"]

    # Writing lines without newline characters

print("File written successfully!")


1. The file is opened in write mode. 2. The list lines contains strings, but no newline characters (\n) are added. 3. The writelines() method writes them as a single line without line breaks.

Output (Content of output.txt):

To ensure proper formatting, always include newline characters (\n) at the end of each line.


In this tutorial, we have covered multiple ways to write multiple lines to a file:

  1. write() in a Loop: Writes lines one by one.
  2. writelines() Method: Writes a list of lines efficiently.
  3. Using join() Method: Converts a list to a single string before writing.
  4. Without Newline Characters: Demonstrates the importance of using \n.

Using writelines() is the most efficient method, but ensure that newline characters are included when required.