Python await Keyword

The await keyword in Python is used to pause the execution of an asynchronous function until the awaited result is available. It allows asynchronous functions to run efficiently without blocking the main thread.


result = await coroutine_function()

How await Works

The await keyword can only be used inside an async function. It tells Python to wait for an asynchronous operation to complete before continuing execution. This makes asynchronous programming more readable and efficient.

Return Value

The await keyword returns the final result of the awaited coroutine when it completes execution.


1. Using await with an Asynchronous Function

In this example, we define an async function that simulates a time-consuming operation using asyncio.sleep(). We then use await to wait for it to complete.

import asyncio

# Define an asynchronous function
async def long_running_task():
    print("Task started...")
    await asyncio.sleep(2)  # Simulate a delay
    print("Task completed!")
    return "Result from async function"

# Define another async function to call it
async def main():
    print("Calling the async function...")
    result = await long_running_task()  # Wait for the async function to complete
    print("Received result:", result)

# Run the event loop


Calling the async function...
Task started...
Task completed!
Received result: Result from async function


  1. The function long_running_task() starts execution but pauses at await asyncio.sleep(2), simulating a delay.
  2. During this time, Python can continue running other tasks.
  3. After 2 seconds, the function resumes execution and returns a result.
  4. The main() function awaits the result before continuing.

2. Running Multiple Asynchronous Tasks Concurrently

Instead of waiting for one task to complete before starting the next, we can run multiple tasks concurrently using asyncio.gather().

import asyncio

# Define an async function that simulates a task
async def async_task(name, delay):
    print(f"Task {name} started...")
    await asyncio.sleep(delay)  # Simulate delay
    print(f"Task {name} completed!")
    return f"Result from {name}"

async def main():
    # Run two tasks concurrently
    task1 = async_task("A", 2)
    task2 = async_task("B", 3)

    results = await asyncio.gather(task1, task2)  # Wait for both tasks to complete
    print("All tasks completed with results:", results)



  1. Both tasks start simultaneously.
  2. Task A finishes after 2 seconds, while Task B finishes after 3 seconds.
  3. The await asyncio.gather() waits for both tasks to complete before printing the results.

3. Handling Errors in Asynchronous Functions

Errors can occur when awaiting an asynchronous function. Here, we demonstrate how to handle exceptions using try-except.

import asyncio

# Define an async function that raises an error
async def faulty_task():
    print("Task started...")
    await asyncio.sleep(2)
    raise ValueError("Something went wrong!")

async def main():
        await faulty_task()
    except ValueError as e:
        print("Caught an error:", e)


Task started...
Caught an error: Something went wrong!


  1. The function starts executing and pauses at await asyncio.sleep(2).
  2. After 2 seconds, it raises a ValueError.
  3. The error is caught using a try-except block, preventing the program from crashing.

4. Using await with an Asynchronous HTTP Request

We can use await to perform non-blocking HTTP requests using the aiohttp library.

import aiohttp
import asyncio

# Define an async function to fetch data
async def fetch_data(url):
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get(url) as response:
            return await response.text()  # Await the response

async def main():
    url = ""
    print("Fetching data...")
    data = await fetch_data(url)  # Await the result
    print("Received data:", data[:100])  # Print first 100 characters


  1. aiohttp is used to perform an asynchronous HTTP GET request.
  2. await response.text() ensures we don’t block execution while waiting for the response.
  3. The function prints the first 100 characters of the fetched content.