Python – Check if Any Subarray Has a Sum Equal to 0

This tutorial covers a popular DSA interview problem: checking if any subarray within a given array has a sum equal to 0. We will explain the problem, show sample inputs and outputs, describe the solution steps, and provide a complete Python program to solve the problem.

Problem Statement

Given an array arr of integers, determine if there exists a contiguous subarray whose sum is equal to 0. If such a subarray exists, return True; otherwise, return False.

Sample Input and Output

Example 1:

Input: arr = [4, 2, -3, 1, 6]
Output: True
Explanation: The subarray [2, -3, 1] has a sum of 0.

Example 2:

Input: arr = [1, 2, 3]
Output: False
Explanation: No subarray with sum 0 exists.

Solution Approach

We can solve this problem efficiently using the prefix sum technique along with a hash set to track previously seen sums. Here are the steps:

  1. Initialize an empty set to store prefix sums.
  2. Initialize a variable prefix_sum to 0.
  3. Iterate through each element in the array, adding the current element to prefix_sum.
  4. If prefix_sum becomes 0 or is already in the set, a subarray with sum 0 exists.
  5. If not, add prefix_sum to the set and continue.
  6. If the loop ends without finding a duplicate prefix sum or a zero value, no zero-sum subarray exists.

Python Program

# Function to check if a zero-sum subarray exists
def has_zero_sum_subarray(arr):
    prefix_sum = 0
    seen_sums = set()
    for num in arr:
        prefix_sum += num
        # If prefix_sum is 0 or already seen, a zero-sum subarray exists
        if prefix_sum == 0 or prefix_sum in seen_sums:
            return True
    return False

# Sample Input 1
arr1 = [4, 2, -3, 1, 6]
print("Input:", arr1)
print("Output:", has_zero_sum_subarray(arr1))

# Sample Input 2
arr2 = [1, 2, 3]
print("Input:", arr2)
print("Output:", has_zero_sum_subarray(arr2))

This solution uses a single traversal of the array, achieving O(n) time complexity with O(n) additional space, making it efficient for interview scenarios.


In this tutorial, we used the prefix sum technique along with a hash set to check if any subarray within an array has a sum equal to 0.