Mixins in Python

Mixins in Python are a way to provide reusable functionality to multiple classes without using traditional inheritance. They allow you to define small, reusable pieces of code that can be shared across multiple classes while keeping each class modular and focused on a specific task.

What is a Mixin?

A mixin is a class that provides additional methods to other classes through inheritance but is not meant to be instantiated on its own. It is commonly used in object-oriented programming to promote code reusability and avoid deep inheritance trees.


1. Creating a Basic Mixin

In this example, we create a simple mixin class that adds logging functionality to any class that inherits from it.

We define a LoggingMixin class that provides a method log() for logging messages. Any class that inherits from LoggingMixin will have this logging capability.

class LoggingMixin:
    def log(self, message):
        print(f"[LOG]: {message}")

class Application(LoggingMixin):
    def run(self):
        self.log("Application is starting...")

# Create an instance of Application
app = Application()


[LOG]: Application is starting...

Here, the Application class inherits from LoggingMixin, so it automatically gains the log() method without having to redefine it.

2. Using Multiple Mixins

Mixins allow us to combine multiple behaviors in a single class. Here, we define two mixins: LoggingMixin for logging and DatabaseMixin for database-related operations.

The Service class inherits from both mixins, gaining logging and database connection capabilities.

class LoggingMixin:
    def log(self, message):
        print(f"[LOG]: {message}")

class DatabaseMixin:
    def connect(self):
        print("Connecting to the database...")

class Service(LoggingMixin, DatabaseMixin):
    def start(self):
        self.log("Starting service...")

# Create an instance of Service
service = Service()


[LOG]: Starting service...
Connecting to the database...

Since Service inherits from both mixins, it can log messages and connect to the database without explicitly defining these methods.

3. Extending Existing Classes with Mixins

Mixins can also be used to extend built-in classes. In this example, we create a SerializableMixin to add JSON serialization functionality to a regular class.

The mixin provides a to_json() method, which converts the class attributes into a JSON string.

import json

class SerializableMixin:
    def to_json(self):
        return json.dumps(self.__dict__)

class User(SerializableMixin):
    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self.name = name
        self.age = age

# Create an instance of User
user = User("Arjun", 30)

# Convert to JSON


{"name": "Arjun", "age": 30}

The SerializableMixin mixin allows the User class to convert its attributes into a JSON string using to_json().

4. Controlling Method Resolution Order (MRO) with Mixins

When multiple mixins are used, Python follows the Method Resolution Order (MRO) to determine which method to execute first. Let’s see how MRO works when mixins define methods with the same name.

Here, LoggingMixin and AlertMixin both define a notify() method, but Python follows MRO to decide which one gets executed.

class LoggingMixin:
    def notify(self):
        print("Logging notification...")

class AlertMixin:
    def notify(self):
        print("Sending alert notification...")

class System(LoggingMixin, AlertMixin):
    def process(self):

# Create an instance of System
system = System()

# Check method resolution order


Logging notification...
[<class '__main__.System'>, <class '__main__.LoggingMixin'>, <class '__main__.AlertMixin'>, <class 'object'>]

Since LoggingMixin appears first in the inheritance list, its notify() method is called. The MRO list confirms the order in which Python searches for methods.

When are Mixins Used

Mixins are useful when:

  1. You want to share functionality across multiple unrelated classes.
  2. You want to keep each class focused on a single responsibility.
  3. You want to avoid code duplication and keep your codebase clean.
  4. You do not want to create a complex class hierarchy with deep inheritance.