How to create function id in SAP GRC

In this activity, you will be creating function id step by step using transaction code NWBC.

Transaction code: NWBC

Path: NWBC > SAP_GRC_NWBC > Rule Setup > Access Rule Setup >Functions

Step 1: Execute the SAP tcodeNWBC” in the SAP command field.

SAP GRC NWBC transaction code

Step 2: Now the Netweaver Business Client launches on web browsers. Check the option SAP_GRC_NWBC (Governance, Risk and Compliance) from the given list. Double click on SAP_GRC_NWBC to launch SAP Business Client.


Step 3: In the next screen SAP Business client, choose “Rule Setup” and double click on “Functions” which is under Access Rule Maintenance.

SAP GRC - Access Rule Maintenance functions

Step 4: A new window SOD POWL  Application opens with function Id’s, click on create option to create new function id in SAP GRC.

SAP GRC SOD Function POWL Application

Step 5: In the next screen Function New: update the following details.

  • Function Id: Update the name of function id
  • Description: Update the description of function id
  • Business Process: Choose the business process from the list
  • Analysis scope: Choose the analysis scope from the list as single system
Create new function id in SAP GRC

Step 6:

  • Under action, click on add option and provide the system id
  • Action: You can provide transaction codes under the function id and press enter.
  • Choose status to be active
  • Choose save to save the details.
Create Function ID in SAP GRC

Now choose the permission and add the required details.

SAP GRC functions

Choose save option and save the details.