Swift String Array – Check if Specific String is Present

To check if a specific string is present in a String array in Swift, call contains(_:) method on the String Array and pass the specific String as argument to the contains() method.


The syntax to call contains() method to check if the specific string str is present in String Array strArray is



In the following program, we will take a string array and check if the string "mango" is present in this array.


var strArr = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "mango", "guava"]
var str = "mango"
var isStrPresent = strArr.contains(str)
print("Is string present in array? \(isStrPresent)")


Swift String Array - Check if Specific String is Present
Positive Scenario

Since str is present in strArr, contains() method returned true.

Now, let us take the string array and string we would like to search in such a way that the string is not present in the string array.


var strArr = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "mango", "guava"]
var str = "avacado"
var isStrPresent = strArr.contains(str)
print("Is string present in array? \(isStrPresent)")


Swift String Array - Check if Specific String is Present
Negative Scenario

Since str is not present in strArr, contains() method returned false.


In this Swift Tutorial, we learned how to check if a String Array contains a Specific String in Swift programming.