Swift Floating Point Numbers

Floating-point numbers are used to represent numbers with fractional components. Swift provides two main types of floating-point numbers: Float and Double. These types differ in precision and range, allowing developers to choose the most appropriate type for their needs.

Types of Floating-Point Numbers in Swift

Here’s a comparison of Swift’s floating-point types:

TypeSize (bits)PrecisionRange
Float326-7 decimal digits~ -3.4e38 to 3.4e38
Double6415-16 decimal digits~ -1.7e308 to 1.7e308
Types of Floating-Point Numbers in Swift

Using Floating-Point Numbers in Swift

Here’s an example demonstrating the use of floating-point numbers:

File: main.swift

let pi: Double = 3.14159265359
let temperature: Float = 36.6

print("Value of Pi: \(pi)")
print("Temperature: \(temperature)°C")


  • Double: Used for storing high-precision decimal numbers, such as pi.
  • Float: Used for storing lower-precision decimal numbers, such as temperature.


Example for Using Floating-Point Numbers in Swift

Precision Differences

Here’s an example illustrating the difference in precision between Float and Double:

File: main.swift

let floatValue: Float = 0.123456789
let doubleValue: Double = 0.1234567890123456789

print("Float value: \(floatValue)")
print("Double value: \(doubleValue)")


  • Float: Loses precision after 6-7 decimal places.
  • Double: Maintains precision up to 15-16 decimal places.


Example for Demonstrating Precision Differences in Swift

Using Floating Point Numbers in Arithmetic Operations

Floating-point numbers can be used in arithmetic operations. Here’s an example:

File: main.swift

let radius: Double = 5.0
let area = Double.pi * radius * radius

print("Area of the circle: \(area)")


  • The constant Double.pi provides the value of π.
  • The formula for the area of a circle, πr², is applied using radius.


Example for Using Floating Point Numbers in Arithmetic Operations

When to Use Float vs. Double

Here are some guidelines for choosing between Float and Double:

  • Use Double: When high precision is required (e.g., scientific calculations).
  • Use Float: When memory efficiency is more important than precision (e.g., graphics programming).


Floating-point numbers are essential for representing decimal and fractional values in Swift. By understanding the differences between Float and Double, you can make informed decisions on which type to use for your specific needs.