Swift Methods

Methods in Swift are functions that are associated with a particular type, such as a class, structure, or enumeration. They define behaviours that an object can perform or provide functionality related to a type. Swift supports several kinds of methods, including instance methods, static methods, mutating methods, and type methods, each serving specific purposes.

Basics of Methods

Instance methods are functions defined inside a class, structure, or enumeration. They operate on the instance of the type they belong to and can access and modify its properties.


class ClassName {
  func methodName(parameters) -> ReturnType {
    // Method body

Example: main.swift

class Student {
  var name: String
  var age: Int
  init(name: String, age: Int) {
    self.name = name
    self.age = age
  func greet() {
    print("Hello, my name is \(name).")

let student = Student(name: "Arjun", age: 20)


  • The greet method prints a greeting using the name property.
  • Methods are called using the dot operator (.).


Output to Example for Methods in Swift

Static Methods

Static methods belong to the type itself rather than an instance. They are defined using the static keyword.

Example: main.swift

class Math {
  static func square(of number: Int) -> Int {
    return number * number

let result = Math.square(of: 5)
print("Square: \(result)")


  • The square method is a static method, accessed using the type name (Math.square).
  • It calculates the square of a given number.


Output to Example for Static Methods in Swift

Self Property in Methods

The self property refers to the instance of the type within its methods. It is used explicitly to disambiguate property names or pass the current instance as a parameter.

Example: main.swift

class Student {
  var name: String
  init(name: String) {
    self.name = name
  func introduce() {
    print("This is \(self.name).")

let student = Student(name: "Ram")


The self property is used to explicitly refer to the name property of the instance.


Output to Example for Self Property in Methods

Mutating Methods

Structures and enumerations in Swift are value types. By default, methods of value types cannot modify their properties. To allow modification, you use the mutating keyword.

Example: main.swift

struct Rectangle {
  var width: Double
  var height: Double
  mutating func resize(toWidth width: Double, andHeight height: Double) {
    self.width = width
    self.height = height

var rect = Rectangle(width: 5.0, height: 10.0)
rect.resize(toWidth: 8.0, andHeight: 12.0)
print("Width: \(rect.width), Height: \(rect.height)")


The mutating keyword allows the resize method to modify the width and height properties.


Output to Example using Mutating Methods in Swift

Type Methods

Type methods are defined using the static or class keyword. They are called on the type itself rather than on an instance. The class keyword allows the method to be overridden by subclasses.

Example: main.swift

class Animal {
  class func sound() {
    print("Animals make sounds.")

class Dog: Animal {
  override class func sound() {
    print("Dogs bark.")



  • The sound method in Animal is a type method defined with the class keyword.
  • The Dog subclass overrides the sound method.


Output to Example using Type Methods in Swift

Differences Between Methods

Regular Method vs. Static Method

FeatureRegular MethodStatic Method
Belongs toInstance of the typeThe type itself
AccessAccessed using an instanceAccessed using the type name
UsageUsed to operate on instance-specific dataUsed for operations that are independent of any instance
Regular Method vs. Static Method in Swift

Static Method vs. Type Method

FeatureStatic MethodType Method
InheritanceCannot be overridden by subclassesCan be overridden by subclasses
UsageUsed for type-specific operationsUsed for type-specific operations with support for inheritance
Static Method vs. Type Method in Swift